IRS as Big a Mess as the Rest of Big Government – IOTW Report

IRS as Big a Mess as the Rest of Big Government


Yeah. The goal is to take… The IRS has some pretty legacy infrastructure. It’s actually very similar to what banks have been using—old mainframes running COBOL and assembly. The challenge has been: how do we migrate that to a modern system? Virtually every bank has already done this, but we’re still using a lot of those same systems.

Typically, in industry, this takes a few years, maybe a few hundred million dollars. We’re now 35 years into this program. If you ask them now, it’s five years away—and it’s been five years away since 1990. It was supposed to be delivered in 1996, and it’s still five years away.

-Sam Corcos talking to Laura Ingraham about his assignment from DOGE to examine the modernization effort at the IRS


9 Comments on IRS as Big a Mess as the Rest of Big Government

  1. It’s kind of hard for an agency to upgrade it’s equipment when the Leftists scoop up all that money with their scams, kickbacks, and money laundering freeways.

  2. If they streamlined the IRS and the tax collection process what would all those CPAs and tax preparers do for a job? Learn to code?
    I imagine those big tax preparation companies spend a lot of money each year lobbying to keep the tax process as complicated as possible.

  3. I kind like the IRS using inefficient and outdated computer systems. Why would we want more efficient computerization of the IRS only to target more taxpayers for audits? I also think submitting tax returns is a waste of time. All tax documents that are sent to you are sent to the IRS by financial institutions. Let them deal with the documents. And after age 75, you should not be required to file tax documents.

  4. I worked for Unisys for many years working on maunframes that were coded in asssembly and a local variation on PASCAL.

    Companies with our systems (airlines, banks, as well as government) kept threatening to move on.

    Unfortunately for companies it involves a tremendous amount of effort, money and time – all of which is a complete expense that won’t show any ROI until the replacement is fully operational and verified.

    No excuse for government slow-walking this process other than sheer laziness, and ROI does not apply.

  5. The IRS does not need to be upgraded
    It needs to be ELIMINATED.
    According to the baffoons that voted it in, the rate would never ever go above 5%. Look where it is today

  6. Defund and disassemble the IRS.
    No need to spend (any more) money on upgrading computers, software and programs.
    Update problem solved.


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