IRS Still Hasn’t Changed The Policy It Used To Justify Targeting Tea Party, Conservative Groups – IOTW Report

IRS Still Hasn’t Changed The Policy It Used To Justify Targeting Tea Party, Conservative Groups

DC: An obscure bureaucratic policy that allowed IRS officials to target conservative and Tea Party tax exemption applicants during the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns is still in place, meaning the same abuses may be continuing, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

The federal tax agency’s policy requires IRS officials to stop processing tax-exempt applications that are “likely to attract media or congressional attention,” the Cause of Action Institute said in a report made public Wednesday.

The policy also directs IRS officials to prepare “sensitive case reports” for their supervisors and to ignore “the merits of the application” if it involved a newsworthy topic.

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13 Comments on IRS Still Hasn’t Changed The Policy It Used To Justify Targeting Tea Party, Conservative Groups

  1. Ergo!!!. According to Judicial Watch, the IRS gave Tax-Exempt status to an “After School Satan Club” in Tacoma, Washington in just ten days. The swamp is deeper than we thought.

  2. Koskinen looks like an imp or a minor demon conjured up in some half asses satanists club. Seriously. Look at the way the looks sideways at something, he’s like a snake in human form. Way over due for justice on this skinbag…

  3. I’m calling the White House tomorrow. If you can’t fire koskinen and comey, relieve them of command and put them in a rubber room. Replace them with trustworthy allies. Then figure out how to starve Lois Lerner.

  4. This guy needs to be fired, not allowed to resign but very publically fired for cause. A message needs to be sent to these bureaucrats that they either change their ways or it will be a termination without the gold watch and bennies that come with retirement. It will mean their whole sordid story in the papers for all to read. I’m surprised that this guy is still there.

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