“IRS workers mistakenly erased tea party emails” – IOTW Report

“IRS workers mistakenly erased tea party emails”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Investigators are blaming mistakes by IRS employees — not a criminal conspiracy — for the loss of thousands of emails related to the tax agency’s tea party scandal.

IRS agents

IRS workers erased 422 computer backup tapes that “most likely” contained as many as 24,000 emails to and from former IRS official Lois Lerner, who has emerged as a central figure in congressional investigations, according to IRS’s inspector general.

The workers erased the tapes a month after IRS officials discovered that an untold number of Lerner’s emails were lost. The IG says the workers were unaware of a year-old directive not to destroy email backup tapes.  more


15 Comments on “IRS workers mistakenly erased tea party emails”

  1. The staggering arrogance of these progressives in government is incredible. Key information is knowingly destroyed and the excuse tossed out that they weren’t aware of a congressional order and life goes on. Nobody gets fired, nobody gets arrested for destroying evidence and nobody is worried about any repercussions. Hell, maybe they’re right. It doesn’t look like Congress is going to do a damn think about getting to the bottom of this latest slap in the face. I wonder what happened to the rule of law.


    Some guy would disappear in the middle of the night. Wife would go to the GESTAPO and ask if they knew anything about it, or could help get him back. Always correct and polite, they’d explain that they knew nothing about the guy, but they’d keep their eyes open for him. Oh, and in the meantime, give us the names of all his friends and acquaintances so that, maybe, they could help find him. IRS my ass.

  3. Don’t want to hear it anymore.
    The DC NWO has embezzelers,
    robbers, blackmailers and con
    artists as staffers and bosses.
    Let’s all join the party.
    Be imaginative.

  4. The democrats have learned that they can say preposterous things with impunity and the worthless piece of shit GOP won’t do a goddamn thing about it. So… We’re all basically fucked as the DNC moves forward at light speed to create the shittiest turd world craphole in human history over the next decade or two.

  5. First action of President of the United States of America Greetings from Yonkers, our first female prezzy:

    Thumb nose at Hillary Clinton.

    Secod action:

    Sign Executive Order eliminating IRS. These clowns have surely outlived their usefulness, as they now probably cost more in investigation than they bring in.

  6. There has been no evidence ‘erased’ that means anything at all for a sane person to come to the proper conclusion about the Government’s abuse of The People via its IRS.

    They can stick the entire dog & pony show up their ass at this point. The message is crystal clear that Justice left the country YEARS ago.

  7. The IG says the workers were unaware of a year-old directive not to destroy email backup tapes.

    If someone in the military said, “I was unaware of the directive to not tell the truth about how Obama is leaving us open to attack by destroying the military,” they would be court-martialed.

    But the Gestapo can get away with anything, up to an including murder, and nothing happens.

    Fuck socialism.

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