Is America Prepared For Arson Terrorism? – IOTW Report

Is America Prepared For Arson Terrorism?

Townhall: Wildfires have devastated California and killed 88 people, with the number of casualties continuously rising. Californians lost their homes, farms, and pets. Americans throughout the nation have offered assistance and contributed financially. Our hearts broke from news of the devastation.

These California fires were not started intentionally. But what if we lived in fear that park fires would be started maliciously? What if we were threatened daily with arson terrorism?

Arson terrorism has been a daily and agonizing reality in Israel.

Israel has spent this past year under unyielding bombardment of terroristic arson. For over seven months, on a daily basis, Israeli farms, homes, schools, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries have been burned by malicious fires, fires started as intentional acts of terrorism.

Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad members and supporters, who desire to overtake Israel and “kill Jews,” have been attempting to weaken the Israeli borders by overwhelming the border towns with unremitting fires. The fires are started by terrorists launching burning kites and incendiary balloons from Gaza into Israel. The fires rage and firefighters struggle to put them out.

21 Comments on Is America Prepared For Arson Terrorism?

  1. I would not be surprised if a few of the CA wildfires were set intentionally. In fact I would go so far as to say I expect some were. The are too many bad guys, and it is pretty easy to start a fire.

  2. And when you have state governments only too willing to ignore the true fact that neglect and mismanagement of the people’s forests and grasslands are akin to rolling out the “welcome” mat….

  3. My Son In Law did the Hot Shot thing for a long time. My oldest maniac did it for two years. If those guys are fighting a fire and run into a grow they are required to back the F out stat until LEO can clear the boobie traps. LEO ain’t going in until the fires out. You can see the problem.

  4. My gun range is the National Forrest. The El Dorado National Forrest to be exact. I’ll shoot some pictures next week that will pop the wax out of your ears. “Just add Fire” would be appropriate.

  5. One of the Scandinavian countries was plagued by illegals setting fires. Germany, also.

    The Lord knows how many others, because the leftist global media bastards don’t report ANY illegal immigrant crimes.

    The angels of satan are darlings of destruction, with the aide of the UN, media and globalist commie leaders.


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