Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason? – IOTW Report

Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason?

American Thinker

As Barack Obama slowly fades from the landscape, let’s consider how he has helped to destroy Western civilization, especially the United States of America. He did this via his fealty to Iran, which allowed unchecked, deadly drug trafficking into America while giving Iran the time, space, and funds to develop its nuclear weapons.

The Obama Administration killed hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing the Iran-founded and funded terrorist organization Hezbollah to operate in the Western Hemisphere, where it built a narco-terror network that shipped illegal drugs into this country. The Middle Eastern threat is now below our southern border, something obvious as far back as 2011:

Over the last several years Hezbollah and its patrons in Iran have greatly expanded their operations in Latin America to the detriment of inter-American security and U.S. strategic interests. Today, Hezbollah is using the Western Hemisphere as a staging ground, fundraising center, and operational base to wage asymmetric warfare against the United States. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and other anti-American governments in the region have facilitated this expansion by rolling out the welcome mats for Hezbollah and Iran.

Thirteen years ago, it was estimated that Iran/Hezbollah was remitting $300-$500 million annually to Middle East terrorists. By 2017, that number was believed to be $1 billion or double the 2011 take. Their profits were derived from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering, and other criminal activities. see more

23 Comments on Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason?

  1. I really hope that Trump opens up a full investigation into Pudding Brains 4 years because there is no way you don’t find Barky obongo behind the curtain pulling the levers. We knew from day one of Biteme’s regime that he was not competent to sit in the Oval Office.

  2. Ironically, the long-legged mack daddy helped give us 50 moons of the 2 buffoons, but also helped to seal their fate.

    Good riddance to all. I even heard that Big Mike is looking for a new beta man child.

  3. I have to seriously consider that Barry Soetoro could possibly be the anti-Christ for 2 major reasons. 1) He has no affection for the natural affinity to the Female and he has bought in the perverted Michael who is suppose to be Michelle. 2). He bought into the country the complete Muslim (I hate Christ) Demonic world of perversion. Nobody really knows where it came from (possibly the son of Marsha Davis) but no one really knows for sure. I do know that this asshole has destroyed the Constitution and Bill Of Rights in order to bring in the Democratic destruction of the US. In any event, when the stupidity of the human population allows an African to rule, there will no longer be a place for the Christian white race to exist. Obama is a homosexual that hates the white man and the USA. Just look it up in any version of the Bible.

  4. Obama lives like a billionaire because he is one. He gets kickbacks on a lot of nefarious shit he put in place, including in the past four years as he was the real POTUS behind Diaper Joe. And he can’t be a traitor because he’s done nothing to betray Kenya nor Indonesia.

  5. The whole world knows that the United States under obama caused multitudes of deaths from his and hitlery’s arab spring. The seeds they sowed just recently caused the downfall of syria, and all the deaths that caused.

  6. Eternity in the lake of fire is quite a hard way to go, but going there, he is. Don’t spend a single moment thinking about his ill-gotten, worldly gains or how his life must be so much easier for him. He’s a very small, unhappy man. It matters not if he wakes up in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, or his mansion in D.C. It doesn’t matter if he escapes to the golf course or goes to lavish parties, or buys everything his heart desires. It will all be dust in a very few, short years. A good reminder to us all, really.

    God will not forget anything that will judge him. It is a fearful thing to land in the hands of the living God.

    O Come, O come, Emmanuel.

  7. Cash for Clunkers is when I figured out that he was not for the population. A large part of the population drove vehicles worth less than $5k and also get marginal fuel mileage. Damaging the engines of the clunkers so that they could not be used as parts for replacement was asinine.

  8. There’s a new CIA whistleblower out that claims she has absolute proof that BoRock, Hitlary, Joe Biden, and John “POS” Brennan intentionally gave up Seal Teams Six’s location. She claims to have signed documents and video. Relatively new. Personally I’ve always believed that was the case. Some people need killen. She says she sat on this information until she thought it might be acted upon. I guess we’ll see.

  9. Of course, Obama is responsible for the deaths of millions and has committed high treason against the United States of America.

    He’s a devout jihadi, which means he’s capable of atrocities against rival jihadi sects, Christianity and his other adversaries in the name of Islam.

    However, his megalomaniac covert operations to conquer the world for himself and Islam are limited, God is still in control. The re-election of President Trump will serious hamper Obama’s evil schemes.

    Obama could be a foreshadowing of the Anti-Christ, a harbinger like so many powerful villians in the world.
    In the end, his vile deeds will result in his damnation for eternity. He’s too dedicated to darkness to accept the truth of Christ to save his soul.

  10. Let’s go back to the sources of this shitshow.

    When the magic negro, a nothing from nowhere, ran for POTUS, he was rightfully challenged on his qualifications to even be a CANDIDATE for the highest Office.

    More than one challenge by US citizens, including officer veterans, were tersely and unjustifiably DISMISSED by judges.

    Time to track down who they were and why they ruled UNCONSTITUTIONALLY to shoot down the legitimate queries into this little nobody.

    After that brazen slap down, we were cowered out of our Rights as citizens. And obozo sped through one illegal initiative to the next FOR EIGHT DESTRUCTIVE YEARS! And then the illegal Shitpants presiduncy!

    What country but the formerly great USA could even survive this???!


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