Is Black Lives Matter Putting its Fiscal Sponsors’ Tax Exemptions at Risk? – IOTW Report

Is Black Lives Matter Putting its Fiscal Sponsors’ Tax Exemptions at Risk?

American Thinker: I reported previously that Black Lives Matter Global Networks was campaigning openly against President Trump on its web site, and also in a CNN appearance by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, while accepting 501(c)(3) tax exempt resources from fiscal sponsor Thousand Currents. BLM also has a donation page that goes through ActBlue Charities, which also is 501(c)(3) tax exempt. Thousand Currents recently handed off BLM’s fiscal sponsorship to the Tides Foundation.

BLM Knows or Should Know it is Not Allowed to Campaign with 501(c)(3) Resources

Elle Reynolds’ “BLM Co-Founder Appears To Violate IRS Laws On CNN” at The Federalist (June 26, 2020) reports, “The Black Lives Matter Global Network and the IRS did not return requests for comment.” It is no surprise that the Internal Revenue Service did not respond because, as stated in the instructions for Form 13909, “Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral),” “Federal law prohibits the IRS from providing you with status updates or information about specific actions taken in response to the information you submit.”

More to the point is however BLM’s apparent failure to modify its behavior after Reynolds brought this issue to its attention. On or about August 20, more than seven weeks later, Cullors appeared in another video as reported by the Washington Post: “Patrisse Cullors: We can cheer Biden and Harris — but still must challenge their problematic past.” Cullors does make remarks critical of the Democratic nominees but focuses explicitly on working to defeat President Trump: “I think we can call for Biden and Harris to be challenged for their past, while also being the cheerleaders for them to win the election Nov. 3. There are so many reasons why we must beat Trump. …Our work to defeat Trump also helps us defeat the white supremacists he has galvanized…” (When last I heard, by the way, white nationalist Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden who, to his credit, rejected the endorsement.)

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14 Comments on Is Black Lives Matter Putting its Fiscal Sponsors’ Tax Exemptions at Risk?

  1. Right. BLM is putting its fiscal sponsors at risk is like saying Al Sharpton will be held accountable for his millions in back taxes.

    BLM is untouchable, they are protected by government and corporate sponsors as well. At this point one could argue that BLM is sponsoring members of the government!

  2. …if they didn’t do anything about EVERY. SINGLE. BLACK. CHURCH. promoting “Obama” from the pulpit, if they let Sharpton’s tax bill ride, and if they’re not asking ANY questions about Barry’s Organizing for Action being a “nonprofit”, then they CERTAINLY aren’t going after an organization that’s got its name painted on liberal streets and Black sporting events EVERYWHERE, and for the same reason, because, Black…

    …I’d expect them to question The Clinton Foundation before they would THESE guys. And it’s not exactly…healthy…to question The Clinton Foundation, gnomesayne?

  3. Declare BLM a terrorist organization, which it obviously is by definition of terrorist, and you have something you can go after everyone all the way up to Soros himself the same as if they were making contributions to ISIS.

    Avoid doing that and you only have a few weak moves to take against them that will end up being used against you in Leftist public opinion propaganda as being a vindictive misuse of power.


  4. This is how you take them down. Revoke the tax-exempt status of the non-profits that fund blm, which in turn revokes the charitable donation deductions of any individual or corporation that contributes to one of those organizations. This will, in turn, substantially dry up donations.

    In conjunction with investigating and revoking the tax-exempt status, analyze ALL of the donors to these non-profits. Donors over a certain $ amount must be listed on the returns. Out these m-efers and prosecute them as aiders and abettors to domestic terrorism.

  5. strip them of any/all govt monies, clasify them as domestic terrorists, and severely penalize those that donate/comply to-with said terrorists
    those on the left would have already done so

    wasnt blm started because a 17 year old thug was killed when his victim used self defense?
    and then oblowme said if he had a son he would look just like the thug?
    (if the thug had been locked up for his crimes he’ still be alive)

    well now we have another 17 year old non-thug locked up for self defense against oblowme’s blm army.

    wonder how long blm had to wait for their 501(c)3 tax exempt status versus oh true the vote and other conservatives?

  6. @Gunny and SNS – you may be right (and I may be crazy), but ENOUGH is ENOUGH, damn-it! Fuck em! I’m tired of their pissant whining, and I’m tired of their never accepting responsibility for their own failures, and I’m tired of their gimme, gimme, entitlement mentality.

    Sighhh, rant over.

  7. People are being killed on the streets and tax exempt status is a heavy concern?

    Wow. The feds already know who is bank rolling the rioters that are working ‘on the road’. They’ve done nothing.

  8. 1 of manny reasons I am a Ronny man is that he pushed for a flat tax All Americans pay the same tax – ALL. Top rate in ’81 was 70%, in ’88 it was only 28%. But in ’81 the rich ON AVERAGE paid less than 1%. In ’88 the rich ON AVERAGE PAID 8%. Ronny closed many loopholes in ’81+ ’86.
    BLM would not be getting so much $ if there were a flat tax! 501c3 would be gone! This would cut way back on their support – NOT ELIMINATE IT.


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