Is Chief Justice John Roberts the SCOTUS leaker? – IOTW Report

Is Chief Justice John Roberts the SCOTUS leaker?


By Scott Lively

It’s really no secret that the U.S. Supreme Court has for decades been the global elite’s ace in the hole for controlling American policy. SCOTUS is rarely the body where our policies have been conceived and birthed but instead where those policies most threatening to the elites agenda have been aborted. The key to control of that nine-member, ideologically polarized club has been the “swing” voter on the court who serves as the “abortionist of last resort” for killing any policy that could slow or potentially derail the train to global Marxism.

Ironically, I was rudely awakened to this reality in the Stenberg v. Carhart (2000) partial-birth child-killing case when swing voter Sandra Day O’Connor was the decider. I was literally in the courtroom to watch the oral argument on that case when, from her own lips, I heard her describe partial-birth child-killing as a “gruesome procedure.” I left D.C. that day believing we had won the case because the one person with the power to stop child-murder in the delivery process knew just how evil it really is. But then, shockingly, she sided with the liberals to ensure that gruesome procedure would continue unhindered.

I now believe that O’Connor was not truly the decider in Carhart – she was an agent of dark powers behind the court, and her vote to protect the abortion industry was a part of the price she had to pay for her seat at the head table of the elites. more here
h/t NAAC

16 Comments on Is Chief Justice John Roberts the SCOTUS leaker?

  1. Is Chief Justice John Roberts the same John Roberts in the Epstein’s flight logs???

    Has Roberts been blackmailed in to making his bad decisions?

  2. Not he; but directed by him. AS the fake Farsi tapes on Iraq A bomb. Directed by GWB through Colin. His hands, like GWB’s, are clean!

    My guess is thy have already put $x,xxx,xxx in a numbered Bahama account for a guy who will take a fall. Would not be the first time for a Bush to make such a deal. Its in their blood.


    NO! Roberts was picked by GWB 16 years ago precisely because he was the most liberal appellate judge in America ! He has been far left his entire legal career; probably his entire life!

    I did not believe Harry and Nancy when they said he was “conservative”; so I read his rulings, FAR LEFT “Constitution is only good as TP”!

  4. There had better be charges and this must not be swept under the rug. It’s bad enough that we can no longer trust most of our government institutions already. There is no excuse for not resolving this crime.

  5. “There had better be charges and this must not be swept under the rug.”

    Dream on.

    The FedGov is a vast criminal organization – ALL three branches – ALL the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The easiest and best paying job in all the world is Supreme Court Justice. The constitution is written in perfectly understandable language that a 4th grader could comprehend! The Justices have either never read the Constitution or they are a traitor to the country when they make decisions like Wade and the queer one!

  7. her vote to protect the abortion industry was a part of the price she had to pay for her seat at the head table of the elites

    No. She was offered one of their thrones, because she had proven her loyalty. For decades. Already.

    Why does anyone, even entertain, the obvious lies of “I, sir, am not a moron!”? When anyone claims that with unlimited lawyers, guns, and money… those that call you “enemy”… would choose those that call them “enemy”… to advance through the ranks… to attack them… unless they can “turn” them?

    Hasn’t it been easier? To only accept those that claim you are “enemy”? And only advance them when they have, already, proven what they will do to their, own, “enemies”?


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