Is Dianne Feinstein out to kill off Kamala Harris’ presidential bid? – IOTW Report

Is Dianne Feinstein out to kill off Kamala Harris’ presidential bid?

American Thinker:

Kamala Harris has always been known for her lean and hungry, pushy, grabby, ambition, which includes a willingness to sleep her way to the top to get what she wants. Her political start began as a social mountaineer with San Francisco’s old-money Pacific Heights set dating from her 20s and then just moved onward and upward.

That’s not sitting well with California’s lizardy old-money senior Senator, Dianne Feinstein, who knows that establishment well.

And so, she’s taking some action, as Fox News reports:

According to reports, Feinstein, the senior senator from the Golden State, will throw a fundraiser next month for Democratic 2020 presidential frontrunner Joe Biden — and not for Harris, another White House contender whose poll numbers suggest she could probably use some high-profile help. “My candidate would be Joe Biden,” Feinstein told CNBC back then. “I watched him as vice president. I’ve seen him operate. I’ve seen him perform and I think he brings a level of experience and seniority, which I think is really important.” The early evening reception will be the first that Feinstein hosts for Biden in the 2020 election, CNBC reported. Her husband has already participated in several fundraising events for Biden, who campaigned for Feinstein in 2018, when she was re-elected by a landslide.

Oh, spare us. Feinstein knows as well as anyone that old Joe is addled and gaffe-tastic. This is more likely about putting Kamala back in her place. more here

7 Comments on Is Dianne Feinstein out to kill off Kamala Harris’ presidential bid?

  1. Biden? What about the Glass Ceiling? I guess that was just Hillary’s bullshit. Funny how DiFi isn’t backing Liz, though. Must be some bad blood between the lady Senators.


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