Is Hunter Living in the White House Now? – IOTW Report

Is Hunter Living in the White House Now?


resident Joe Biden‘s son Hunter was spotted climbing into the presidential SUV on Friday to join his family at Camp David over the July 4 weekend, adding fire to the speculation on why he has so often been seen at the White House.

That came a day after NBC News reported that the president had made it clear to his political aides that he would not listen to advice on limiting public appearances with his embattled son.

Hunter Biden—a frequent target of Republican scrutiny—has been seen with his father regularly since reaching an agreement with federal prosecutors in June to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax offenses. More

What better way to control the media’s access to the president’s cokehead son? – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Is Hunter Living in the White House Now?

  1. Joe would rather hang out with his crackhead son than spend time with and acknowledge his innocent 4-yr old granddaughter. Golly, it’s like the democrat base prefers degeneracy over wholesomeness.

  2. Witnessed 4 different embezzlers over 40 years. One thing they all had in common was that they rarely left the scene of their crimes. The secretaries never took time off, never left the city. The banker was at the bank on weekends. Could it be that career criminals, Joe and hunter, have to stay as close as possible in case something erupts?


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