Is it Cathartic For You To See Paddock Death Picture? – IOTW Report

Is it Cathartic For You To See Paddock Death Picture?

It’s out there. I won’t post it. I won’t link to it. Some find it gory and depressing. Others need to see a monster defanged.

If you have the initiative, Bing it-

las vegas shooter paddock death picture

113 Comments on Is it Cathartic For You To See Paddock Death Picture?

  1. No need to see that one, though I’d like to see, or have someone I trust see, the Osama Bin Laden death photo. And while I’m in this fantasy land, I’d like to see video of OBL being killed.

  2. I saw it. Lefties are probably hoping there is no brain damage so some forensic MD can find what went wrong so someone can be blamed and held accountable. Someone other than the perp that is,

  3. Meh. Dead meat. Seeing the corpse isn’t any more satisfying than simply knowing or believing he’s dead. And I see pluses and minuses about his being dead. The plus is obviously it is good to know positively that such an evil act will not ever again be committed by this particular person. The minus is if he were still alive there might be some slim chance he could make clear how disingenuously and dishonestly his massacre is being described by govt authorities and the propagandist media. There’s much that doesn’t add up except an exceedingly large pile of bullsh!t.

  4. I feel like we’re being played. There’s no way that little libtard pussy dragged all that shiite up there and fired those assault weapons for an hour. They would kick his Hillary loving panty waisted ass in two minutes.

  5. Chalupa,

    Yes, combine that with no muzzle flash (maybe I’m wrong, never saw it) out of his suite, the slow rate of fire, the muzzle flash with a suppressed weapon from a much lower floor. I’ll shut up now.

  6. Multiple weapons thought I’m not buying into. The concert and recording cameras were over 400 yards away. The shots are echoing off the many high hotels in the area. I can tell the difference between echo sounds and the gunfire. The echos and gunfire overlap, but I never hear gunfire overlap.

  7. If you look at the picture of the dead guy and the other image that is highly circulated, with his eyes closed. Alive he has a 13tattoo. Dead , no tattoo. Also compare the ears. Someone has a side by side on twitter. The alive image shows his earlobes attached. The dead image guy the earlobes are not.

    This whole thing stinks worse than Michelle Obama in July


  8. BFH, it’s undeniable that at the very least there are a couple videos that show muzzle flash from lower floors than the 32nd. I agree, if those windows don’t open then that is tough to explain as having the shots coming from within the room. However, equally hard to explain is if that was a reflection of shots from a different location, what is the location? It’s on the same side of the building as the so called shooting position at the 32nd floor, so if it is a reflection of those shots it requires a double reflection. I’m keeping my tin foil hat.

  9. Apparently you can check into a high rise hotel in Vegas, proceed to smash the window out, knocking glass all over the pavement below, and no one will notice or bother coming to your room for over an hour. Heck, you could even be in there shooting a gun.

  10. BFH, if you be speaken about Paddock, he supposedly broke the window out with a hammer. Then he hired contractors to build him elevated sniper platforms because he fucked up and on the 34th floor he was at almost a 20 degree angle forcing him to the edge to make a shot. And then there were the African Bearers hauling up 1200 pounds of ordinance. But that muther fxcker was skilled. He could squeeze a trigger so sweet, he got no flash.

  11. This whole thing stinks worse than Michelle Obama in July>>>

    Nothing stinks worse than that. You shoulda said June.

    I’m open to being led down the path, but I have to know what it means if the guy on the floor is not Paddock.

  12. Saw it accidentally.

    This whole thing stinks, I don’t believe this guy is the shooter. I read that first responders reported a lot of head shots…that takes sniper training, I believe.

    Could Paddock have been a hostage?

  13. BB,
    not talking about any of that.
    I want to know how someone on a lower floor shoots through glass without breaking it.
    Frankly, the lower floor shooter theory should be quietly walked away from because it is ridiculous.

  14. Well, I already explained before about the lights reflecting from the ground and the giant pool onto the sides of the building, yes, there is a lot of echoing on the strip, how the creep got all his gear up there in the 5 days he stayed there, and about the windows not opening unless you break them. Not cut them with an Xacto knife, but break them. There are no photos of any others but the 2 windows broken. I’m bored with this now. Bye.

  15. BFH

    I’ve asked myself that same question. But there are several videos of that volley and muzzle flash. I don’t think it was a reflection. If there was somebody in the suite blasting away it would be pretty. obvious. I don’t think we will ever now. But there’s a lot of stuff here that does not add up.

  16. And why are we not hearing from people inside the hotel that heard shooting? Is it possible that there was less shooting from the hotel than we are lead to believe? Dozens of shell casings on the floor of Paddocks room? And what about the guy that was four doors down from Paddock that was woke up by SWAT guys. If there was that much shooting going on he would have already been awake.

  17. “Shots from above hitting lots of heads is not a mystery.”

    That’s not quite as simple as you make it seem. Think MOA at 500 meters. Do the math. Was he spraying and praying? He had a pretty good success rate. With a Bump Fire Weapon no less. I’m done.

  18. joe6pak, there was a former marine(?) that was 2 floors directly below. He claims to witness it and is in more shock than anything he saw in service. Video is on some alphabet network i caught in passing off some site.

  19. Two completely different angles on the earlobes. Nothing conclusive about that.

    But even if I bought into it, what is the meaning of it?

    Where is Stephen Paddock? His family hasn’t seen him.
    Is this the old “Paddock was abducted and another patsy was put in his place, a look-alike, only to be killed by government spooks” trick?

    Why can’t the guy on the floor be the guy who shot up the concert?
    Why this extra step of making it seem like Stephen Paddock was the killer when they could have just as easily made the guy dead on the floor the killer… or.. or… I have an idea… have Stephen Paddock be the guy dead on the floor after having framed him.

    I’m not following the reasoning of bringing in a different body to pose as the Paddock guy.

    I’m not saying that we know the entire official story, but this road is leading absolutey to Convolutedville, and for no good explanation why.

  20. HELL NO! I’ve already resigned to the fact that we aren’t getting the real story anyway, so why dislocate a body part speculating about it anyway. To me it’s no different than what they did with the Kennedy assassination!

  21. I saw it. Usually I grow faint at the sight of a loose tooth, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me at all when it’s an evil person, like looking at Mussolini and his cohorts hanging upside down or Nicolae and Elena CeauÈ™escu’s execution by firing squad.

    Because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. ~ Rom 1:25

  22. Joe- I think your point is well taken about a neighboring guy still asleep through that supposed racket.
    But were the police in on this conspiracy?

    Why break windows, fill the room weapons and shell casings, and then shoot up the concert from a different location.. WHY??
    Why not shoot up the concert from THAT LOCATION?

    Occam’s Razor.

  23. Maybe this is a case of a true Manchurian Candidate. Has anyone checked out recent — last 5 to 10 years — stories of military/CIA borgs being used? What’s Paddocks service record? Tail end of Vietnam? We were still deep in the Cold War.

  24. BFH

    Wow dude, do you read anything I type? Check above. And at the same time there are two different videos showing muzzle flash from approx the 8th floor. MJA thinks it’s a reflection off a swimming pool or a lake. Maybe. There’s a bunch of vets that are saying the same thing I am on FB and IG. And it has to do with a suppressed weapon fairy close. Actually it was the only weapon that discharged that didn’t feel like I was watching a Chinese movie with English subtitles.

  25. BFH. BB.

    Here is a video I found that shows the mandalas a few hours? Earlier. There is a strobe flashing in this video in the same location as the other one.

    Also , there is cell phone video of s taxi driver that catches the same strobe. You can hear paddock? Firing long volleys but when the camera shows the strobe flashing on the fourth floor there is no sound of shots.

  26. eternal cracker p, the best view I’ve seen of what could be explained as possibly a reflection is the video from the taxicab, beginning around the 4:45 mark. That wasn’t a broad lighting up of an area, but it is a well defined area restricted to one room. It looks like shots from a room, or the reflection of shots from Location that may or may not be from the 32nd floor. I don’t pretend to know, like all of us I have more questions than answers.

  27. Irish,

    I remember the last time I brought a strobe light to a hotel room. Well actually I don’t. Honestly guys, I just keep coming back to the rate of fire. It bugs the shit out of me. It ain’t right. Good night.

  28. Shadow government meeting:

    Agent 1 – “We’ll bring all the weaponry to the rooms that we have booked for Paddock. We’ll break out the windows, and shoot the concert goers. Then we’ll shoot Paddock making it look like a suicide. It’s perfect.”

    Agent 2- “Might I suggest that we kill another guy that looks like Paddock and swap out the bodies?”

    Agent 3 – “Why would we do that?”

    Agent 2 – “Kicks?”

    Agent 4 – “As long as we’re having kicks, why don’t we shoot from the fourth floor instead.”

    Agent 1 – “What are you saying? Move the entire operation to the fourth floor instead?”

    Agent 4- “No, keep it all on the 32nd floor, we’ll just shoot from the 4th floor.”

    Agent 1 – “But why??”

    Agent 4- “Like he said. “Kicks.”

    Agent 1 – “shut up, the both of ya.”

  29. I want to make a point here.
    The conspiracy theorist’s role is important. But so is mine.
    My sarcasm and skepticism is every bit as important as the people looking for
    I hope there are no hard feelings.

  30. BFH, I’m glad you brought up the shells, I would like to know why they describe his floor as having dozens of shell casings. Hell, there should be a couple thousand at least if he was the lone shooter. He had 600 casualties, he had to have had more misses than hits,so we are at 1200 minimum. Dozens of shell casings?

  31. BFH. None with me. There are a lot of anomalies in this one for sure. It’s also unfathomable, to a large percentage of the population , what this guy did and why? Crazy spends 3-4 days rigging a room to fire hundreds of rounds into a crowd of innocent people at a concert. Then, with all that fire power and cameras watching the hallway, commits suicide? He could have mowed down the cops at will. There supposedly is a note. Maybe that will shed some light.

  32. BFH

    I assume you are addressing me. Let me assure you I don’t consider myself a conspiracy theorists. I’ve told you several times what has my hair up on this. And I understand the mechanics better than most. So now as I understand it, besides our killer hauling up about a 1000 pounds of ordinance, local LE is confirming he constructed shooting platforms in front of both windows. What, timber, cement, legos? Really, and no ones noticed this construction of arming and building a fortress/ambush point going on. How about the cameras he placed in the hall way? No body noticed? Why no flash out of his location? Find it. You can’t.

  33. Making sense of something senseless might be senseless.

    Is shooting people at a concert rational?
    Maybe the guy actually had an overwhelming feeling of remorse for what he did.
    Who knows?

    Maybe he’s not the shooter.
    Who knows?
    I just don’t think flashes of light on the side of the building amounts to anything, especially since it would mean the person was shooting up the room, because the windows on the 4th floor are intact, and no bullets were leaving Mandalay Bay via the fourth floor.

    Why can’t it be what we it seems to be?
    A guy booked 2 rooms and carefully plotted a mass murder and then shot himself.

  34. I saw an explanation about noperable windows. Special locks that can be opened with tool. For those who live in high rises and want their windows to open, they, in some cities have to certify that no one under 11 will be living in said condo or appartment.

  35. And again, this is a sophisticated hotel. Where are the smoke alarms? He either disabled them, which should have tripped a warning, or he didn’t fire as many shots as they are saying, or he used smokeless ammunition. That just seems like another side to the story that raises questions.

  36. Thank God we’ve cleared this all up in 48 hours. Now all we need to do is kick the shit out the Aussie guy next door who claimed to see multiple gunmen. Durty foreigner. Like HE’S a credible witness. Fuggin’ dirtbag, makin’ up ish’…. the very idea.

    Also need to erase the police scanner that reported a gunman with a rifle leaving the Bellagio and the “security” guy that was chased by other security guards at the Mandaly bay. Fucking cops. Always lying about ish. Disgraceful.

  37. Why can’t it be what we it seems to be?

    Because the rate of fire of the guns they showed in his room are 30%s slower than the audios should be. , indicating an older belt fed gun. That rate of fire has more to do with stroke length than how it’s fired. Auto sear or bump fire stock.

  38. Is there such a thing as smokeless ammunition, maybe, I haven’t heard of it. Anyway, the point is the hotel should have very quickly identified the rooms where a potential problem was present, and had security and authorities arriving on the scene possibly quicker than they did.

  39. I saw the pic. I’ve seen a lot of pics of people with GSWs to the head, and this guy didn’t have enough of a blood pool around his head to convince me that he did himself in. Plus there is no blood trail that could have meant that the cops dragged his carcass away from where he died. Not a lot of trustworthy info has been released by the authorities, and nothing trustworthy by the media, but something doesn’t smell right to me.

  40. Well, if the windows were busted out, and there was a sniper platform built, why not shoot out of that spot?

    The event happened.

    Why make it seem like it came from one window when it was really happening from another window?

    I’m not going down that road until I hear a satisfactory explanation as to why that was necessary to any conspiracy that is afoot.

    It seems awfully complicated and convoluted for absolutely no reason, no gain.
    You want to false flag a mass murder, why not just shoot from the spot you’re trying to make it seem like the bullets were coming from?
    Don’t get it. Makes no sense.

  41. The 4th floor flash is clearly s strobe once you see the videos taken hours before the shooting.

    BFH, the taxi was on the same side because you can see the same strobe light in the video. The sounds seem to come from multiple locations since they were shot out of 2 windows facing different directions.

  42. Well, I haven’t read the other posts here, so here is my take. Yeah, it’s somewhat appealing to see him laying there with his mouth open and blood flowing from his brain. However, Is it Cathartic For Me To See People Mowed Down By this Bastard? NO! It hurts me more to see these poor souls being hit by bullets and they know not what hit them. To me that is far more disturbing. /just saying

  43. High windows don’t open for jumpers, but lower windows often do open.

    The picture leaks are troubling. They’re not LEO leaks; they’re Deep State leaks, if they’re even authentic.

    There’s no way someone would bring such an arsenal to a sniper event. Hell, that’s more firepower than an individual brings to a Gun Show & Tell venue.

    This is theater, intended to “dramatize” the proliferation and easy access to guns.

    Hey, what happened to that “Suppressor Bill” in Congress? Oh, really?

  44. The only reason authorities were tipped off to MB was because of a triggered smoke alarm.

    I was listening on scanner radio when this went down and at the same exact time, there were reports of gunfire at New York New York and a bomb threat at another hotel (I forget that hotel name now). Then someone got on the radio and started warning about diversions. So if this dude is a lone wolf, what are the chances of gunfire and bombs reported at multiple locations at the same exact time this goes down? Was he also on his phone with 911 claiming false shit while firing his automatic weapons and taking his Geritol?

  45. Sylvia

    That’s been rolling around in the back of my mostly vacant mind. The timings perfect. The damn Democrats and media jumped on it before it even happened Jimmy Kimbell needs to have his gay ass kicked up around his ears.

  46. I really don’t want to dip my toe in this water but…….

    Just step back and think for a minute. Anyone who has any kind of experience is weapons, I mean even a little, and the money this guy had could do this quite easily. I’m sad to to say it but just take a deep breath and think about it. If you had a motive, money, months to plan it and rented the room for what four days, I’m actually shocked it wasn’t worse.

    I don’t want to give anyone ideas, are suggest anything, but if this was your agenda, you had the resources and time, it could ( should ) have been much, much worse. In this sick f$ckers mind he thought he had a plan. Prolly watched too many movies. I’m not trying to piss anyone off. im just asking you to stop typing for three minutes, and actually think about it. If it were you doing this….what would the result be.

    If some super secret angency wanted to make a statement 25% of those innocent people would not have survived. I will now resume watching deadliest catch I have on the DVR.

  47. The only logical explanation for a guy having so many guns in a hotel room is… he was SELLING guns and that was his inventory. Or, that’s what someone told him his assignment was that weekend…Fast & Furious 2.0

  48. Hey eternal, that’s a hell of a report. My son listens to his scanner, and I find myself asking him what’s happening out there. So it sounds like there is thinking of diversionary actions while this was going down? Now that is the first I’ve heard that.

  49. The possible bomb at the valet stand turned out to be a self driving car. Meh.

    But the rest of the stuff? Who fakes stuff during a real time event that half of Vegas wasn’t even aware of?

    I don’t think there’s a huge conspiracy as much as some bumbling and ass covering.

    But at the same time…. that stupid Australian tourist next door.

    Dude saw something.

  50. To clarify, the radio was chatting about gunfire inside the lobby of NYNY. So you don’t think it was someone dropped off in a taxi making a 911 call coming from the concert. I searched for news reports on it couldn’t find anything.

  51. Beats me. All I know is I was tweeting with some skirt who was playing slots at the time when she went silent. Then I saw it trend on twitter and looked for the police scanner. listened to it in real time, was able to hear and then discard a lot of reports. They solve themselves if you listen long enough.

    Just don’t understand the bellagio rifleguy, the security guard who was chased or the 3 dead bodies found at the Tropicana about 3 330 in the morning. That’s a hard fact. Nobody uses the code “419” unless they’re actually looking at a dead body.

    Beats me. Time may eventually solve this one on it’s own too.

  52. He had to have some training with these weapons. That’s my shtick. He has to of been at a range. With some regularity at some recent point. He had to of been at the gym. He couldn’t have simply snapped one day and whipped this up in a fury. 3/4 ton of munitions sourced, acquired, transported, fun mode on, all of it done with no one knowing jack shit and carried out by an out of shape retired guy probably with piss poor vision? I don’t think so, pal.

  53. They had reports of 419’s in the back of pickup trucks which I didn’t believe at first but then found out that indeed people were using pickups to transport dead and wounded.

    So I have no reason to doubt the police reports of 3 dead bodies at the Tropicana at 330 in the morning. That place isn’t really close to Mandalay bay. Doesn’t seem logical to dump dead or wounded at their hotel…. but whatever.

    I’ll just go to Vegas this weekend, spend some dough, support the economy and go back to working on old trucks.

  54. I heard that the Mandalay Bay tipoff came from someone (or many someones) at the venue who saw the muzzle flash coming from an “upper floor” (this is on tape). Makes sense. They would have seen flashes before enough smoke filled up the room to trip the alarm.

    The rest is Magic Grits.

    I’m going to stick my guns, so to speak, and say it was a lunatic like Hodgkinson who thought he was doing the country good by taking out conservatives (or Alt Right, to him). It’s clear, now, that his brother lied his hiney off about the guy.

  55. “Take that 94…” Dude, you’ve never taken your mom to Vegas? The hell is wrong with you? But I’ll be taking a 28 to Vegas this weekend. I’m sure it’ll work just fine.

  56. Fur, I didn’t read through *all* the above posts, but here are 2 “occam” thoughts to 2 questions you had:

    The “taxi” video I saw suggested that someone was on a patio/balcony/deck at about the 2nd or 3rd floor level. Often, hotels will have functionary rooms (conferences, restaurants) with outdoor spaces adjacent to them. Not knowing the design of the facility, I don’t know, but that’s one thing.

    Maybe a clue is that Paddock is very wealthy (and alive…elsewhere), and that the government offered him a deal (think: witness protection program) to have him “take the fall,” and he wanted “out,” both for reasons unknown.

  57. What “appears” to be a “13” on the guy’s neck is NOT a tattoo; I suspect it’s a chain or chest hairs…and it’s “visible” only in an enlargement of that “closed eye” photo. All other photos do NOT show any neck marking. Unless there are other photos to corroborate any such tattoo, I’d disregard that.

  58. I had to look up the word ‘Cathartic’ ok now I get it.
    There are about 25 people if they committed suicide I would find Cathartic
    Can you guess the first and second?

  59. Commercial planes are loaded with strobe lights as well as the navigational lights, the strobes could be the cause of the white flashing on the hotel windows. It’s a very busy airport and no doubt plenty of planes were going back and forth.

  60. Haven’t read all the comments yet, but will.
    For those who might know, or have a thought to share-
    Is that a shell casing on top of the suicide weapon, and if so, how did it get there?

  61. I haven’t inserted myself in any other convo, mainly ’cause I’m not an expert in anything, and have nothing to add, other than what I know to be fact, which still doesn’t solve any “mysteries”, but here goes….

    Blood volume/flow trajectory of self-inflicted GSW to head/mouth varies for several reasons, e.g., caliber of weapon, thickness of skull (yes, it’s scientifically proven), placement/angle of weapon.

    I’ve personally witnessed 3 GSWs to head, one where a man placed the barrel against the pallet. He had no face below eye level, actually lived, and underwent extensive plastic surgeries.
    Another was a small .25, minute entrance wound, trickle of blood, death.
    Last one, a black adult make, shot in the head (don’t know the caliber), but the bullet ricocheted and actually bent the bullet.

    Strobe lights: one explanation could be, this is Vegas, ppl do strange things in Vegas and you can source just about anything for whatever desire/fetish. Perp is amped up on pure adrenaline and/or drugs, hour(s) before he begins shooting. Heck, he may’ve been listening to heavy metal (earbuds) to enhance the experience. This may be a stretch, but we’re not dealing with a rational person here.

    I listened to the scanner from 12EST (which was shortly after first calls).After calls began coming at rapid succession of gunman sighted/shots fired at various locations, none of which were true, I began to suspect due to pandemonium, ppl were reporting any and everything out of fear, OR there were evil nut jobs calling to divert LE (sadly, there’s ppl evil enough to do this without any connection to the perp). Cops eventually figured out the calls were diversion(s) and dispatched warnings, however, because they weren’t sure, they had to assign units to each of these calls.

    The calls became ridiculous as time went on. There was even transmission of a female LEO frantically calling in a suspect at The Tropicana, first he was in elevators, later in the bathroom. The dispatcher finally asked if she had personally seen the suspect and she admitted no, but that’s what she’d been told by frantic ppl running by. Command radioed to all units to calm down, and be aware of rumors.

    Much later after LE entered room (about 3am EST), a call came in re a white male carrying long rifle, entering nightclubs, telling ppl he was there to clear the place. Another was from a female on the 7th floor of a parking building (not Mandalay), stating she witnessed the gunman walking around, she was down, couldn’t feel her body, but she hadn’t been shot!

    RE Paddock’s extensive real estate holdings. It doesn’t appear he invested in lavish properties. I know the Melbourne (Heritage Isles) area very well. He owned a townhouse between 2013-15. This area wouldn’t be a draw for ANY nefarious reason(s). It’s quiet (almost boring), well kept, middle income families. Had he wanted seclusion, this was the wrong development. Zero lot lines, a lot of family activity, ppl know their neighbors (and their business). A family I know very well lived 3 units down from him and said they only saw him maybe 3 times, one time they invited him (he was alone) to a BBQ and he politely declined, said he had to be up early the next morning to catch a flight.

    So besides a 1.5 hr proximity to the brother/mother in Orlando (who said he had “no relationship, yet moved him back to Vegas in 2015 and didn’t see any guns…..” which could be true re his recent purchases in 4 other states), I’m not sure how/why he chose this area.

    Unfortunately, I think everyone’s eyes are wide open now, and it’s normal to question everything the govt tells us.

    Sometimes I wish I could go back to the Halcyon days when my greatest concerns were how much money I had left in my paycheck, living for the weekend, and the only dread I had was Monday mornings.

    Apologies for the protracted thoughts.

  62. I thought the “13” on his neck was his wattle….and that death photo looks awfully clean.

    Also, you get one of those luggage trolleys you can go up and down with endless weight in a hotel that size. No one cares what anyone else is doing.

  63. Regarding the number of injured to number of shell casings, if he was shooting .223 the shrapnel alone from ricochets would cause multiple injuries for one bullet.
    In one video you can hear the whizzing of passing bullets and also the “pinging” from hitting nearby solid objects.
    I’m more fazed and disturbed by the videos of the victims than of the perp-pic.

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