Is it Mike Pence? – IOTW Report

Is it Mike Pence?

JCOnline: Two people on Donald Trump’s short list for running mate dropped out of consideration Wednesday, leaving Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in the top tier of an even more exclusive group.

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa told Politico she has withdrawn her name as a vice presidential nominee and suggested Pence should get the nod instead.

“I will admit that I am a Mike Pence fan,” Ernst told Politico. “He is so well-rounded, served as a governor and I think he’s a great conservative. So I don’t think he could go wrong.”

Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee also withdrew. Ernst and Corker were among the favorites to be chosen by Trump out of what he described in an interview with Fox News as a 10-person list. That list, Trump said, includes “some names that haven’t surfaced yet.”

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10 Comments on Is it Mike Pence?

  1. “I will admit that I am a Mike Pence fan,” Ernst told Politico-that’s a Kiss of death from a bought and sold inside DCer. She went from a Tea Party conservative to a RINO faster then anyone I’ve ever seen-even Nickki Haley or Cory Gardner. I swear when these newbies come to their orientation meetings, they must lock the doors and put them to sleep with body snatcher pods.

    And oh man, I hope Trump doesn’t pick Pence.

  2. Just as long as Hillary goes down in a ball of fire. Trump should make it part of his stump speech that he will prosecute Hillary and the chips will fall where they may.

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