Is It Possible to Build a Wall on the Border? – IOTW Report

Is It Possible to Build a Wall on the Border?

Is it possible to build a big wall on the border where the broken, penetrable fences are?


Is it possible to replace this type of fence with a wall?

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35 Comments on Is It Possible to Build a Wall on the Border?

  1. In truth, a fence or wall is not only unneeded, but counterproductive.
    Remove the incentives (anchor babies and social services).
    Stipulate that anyone caught here illegally is banned for life. They can’t come on a passport, of visit here and can never become a citizen.
    Impose a minimum 1 year jail sentence for being here illegally and hire a country in South America to build a jail there to house them. After release each would be given a buss ticket to their home country.
    Jail for anyone that knowingly hires an illegal. No exceptions.
    Tax all money sent out of the country at 30% and use that to fund enforcement.

  2. All well and good, but the progs have a way around all of that, called “non-enforcement”. We’ve got tough immigration laws and penalties now, but they are flouted almost everywhere. The only things that will change it for the better are an inhospitable culture causing self-deportation and a massive physical barrier to keep them out once they leave.

  3. Ok, so what they’re saying is this: The Chinese build a wall 30 feet high, 20 feet wide, and 10,000 miles long using IRON AGE TECHNOLOGY and a peasant work-force, but it’s utterly inpossible for 21st century Americans using modern techniques, training, and equipment to build any kind of wall at all reaching 1954 miles.

    But Conservatives are the irrational ones.

  4. And Jorge, let me explain how Mexico pays for the wall, and there’s nothing they can do about it:

    Wall is built with American money

    Mexicans stay home.

    Mexicans don’t get paid American cash.

    American cash stays in American pockets.

    Mexican Government pays welfare to Mexicans.

    American Government does not pay welfare to Mexicans.

    We recoup our initial investment before Trump’s second term is over.

  5. Machine gun nests every 100 yds. manned 24 hrs. a day. 1/2 mile kill zone. Reduces unemployment, reduces rat-people invasion, increases the sale and production of 30-06 ammo. Gives employees good experience with machine gunnery.

    Build a wall if we want, but unless it’s manned, it avails us nothing.

  6. Just deduct the costs incurred by illegal immigration from the foreign aid we give the countries they are from. When the gravy train stops, the leaders will build a fence to keep them in

  7. I’m thinking land mines, men with guns, drones with guns, periodic napalming, etc. Along with no more anchor rats, no welfare, jailing people that hire wetbacks, and flat out killing any illegal caught.

  8. Progs are lined up willing to pay TRILLIONS to a fictitious problem known as climate change, but they won’t drop 20 billion on a wall to prevent a problem that everyone can clearly see with their own two eyes. This problem is even more scientific, 100% versus 98%.

  9. Exactly!
    Just as with the berlin wall, any wall we build will become a political point that our enemies can rally around.
    Every tin pot Kleptocrat will be making speeches echoing Reagan saying “Trump Tear Down This Wall!”

  10. If we build it and it doesn’t work, we can say we at least tried.
    I sure wouldn’t want to leave our country a mess for our children.

    Climate change talking points play perfectly together with wall building talking points.

  11. Fuck that! Withhold all of it! And continue withholding it even after that wall is finished. Why are we giving them any money at all to begin with?

    (and not just Mexico…why are the American people funding ANY other country? Israel, other NATO nations, ok I can see an argument for *some* foreign aid…but it should be a hell of a lot less than it is now)

  12. Dammit people! Look around!. I have watched the government built 20 foot high concrete sound barriers along every interstate in every populated area of the USA. All in an effort to just REDUCE the noise produced by the highway near the IDIOTS who were stupid enough to buy a house there. I bet the total length is WAY more than a border wall with mexico.

  13. I suggest a simple policy of ‘shoot those in the middle’ with one 15sec warning to retreat.

    That would do It.

    What would happen in Canada if you defy an agent? You have a good chance to get shot.

  14. Gee, was it possible to build a trans-continental railroad with the crude technology of 150 years ago?
    It’s not that we can’t, but that those that make these decisions don’t want to.
    Recall they voted in favor of the fence, then against budgeting it.

  15. Just build an impenetrable barrier — a wall. Deal with the so-called “unbuildable” areas. Make the border impenetrable. If they stay out we don’t need legions of agencies to monitor their activities in the U.S. With all due respect, I’m so sick of hearing about what we do AFTER they’re already here. And if you know someone is here illegally, you’re on the hook for abetting a criminal.

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