Is It Right To Gloat? – IOTW Report

Is It Right To Gloat?

26 Comments on Is It Right To Gloat?

  1. YES never forget what the political class has done
    biteme is NOT duly elected

    they stole 2 years of our lives, shut down countless small business, wouldn’t let you have weddings, funerals, visit loved ones in nursing homes/hospitals, election fraud, lockdowns, masks, poison vaccines, public library tranny hour, the southern border, blm, antifa, supply shortages, etc. etc. etc.

  2. Is It Right To Gloat?

    Yep, I am a gloater, nothing wrong with feeling smug about being victorious. I feel the same way about the jab and knowing that I was correct about the outcome. I believe God gave me the courage and wherewithal to remain true to myself and spouse. That’s not to say I wasn’t off the chart pissed at the whole shittery with Trump and the jab. Still not over it – will take me a long time. Sucks not to trust anyone, I have to stay vigilant.

  3. Hell yes it’s OK to gloat! This was a major message sent to democRATz AND On-The_Fence Republicans!
    Gloatin away, sittin’ on a pillow
    Waitin’ for night to fall
    Man and a dream, sittin’ on a pillow
    This is the night to go to the celebrity ball.
    Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music!
    Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music!

  4. I hear she’s brushing up on her Spanish and collecting guacamole bowls for her primary run in 24. I hope they dump tons of money on her.
    Karl and Bush are 100% behind her, which means she ain’t got a prayer.
    They just don’t get it, we the people are on to all of them.

  5. Lizzie’s a narcissistic loon. Yes, gloat and celebrate when a political opponent loses.
    Conservatives need to STOP reaching across the aisle to get a hand bit off by leftist losers. The Establishment RINOs should be laughed at on a regular basis and their own “stategery” used against them.

  6. No, I don’t gloat about anything. I do give thanks to God and praise his holy name. I worry when Christians start believing that things are turning around and we’ll achieve some semblance of “..on earth as it is in Heaven.” It’s not in our power or right to produce it here. The first half of that petition is “Thy will be done…”.

    So, be careful about the gloating. God hates a haughty nature (Proverbs). Just thank God Almighty for his grace and mercy.

  7. …it’s really hard to be obedient.

    “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).


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