mages from:
1,4,5) Pixabay.com
2,3) Pexels.com
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
3-23 Critter Faces – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Let’s see pictures of your critter’s faces! Theme idea from Old Guy.
3-30 Random iOTWr Critters – Send in your pictures!
4-6 Who Needs A Bath? – Do you give your critters a bath, or do they ‘take’ their own??
Very nice, came home in the dark last night and found a skunk on the porch eating out of a cat bowl and the cat sitting on the porch watching the skunk. Must be a sign of spring??
I have to give my critter-dog a washcloth bath. She is so afraid of the bathtub. Even as a puppy.
Thank you again, Claudia, for a respite from the inundations of the week.
A nice way to start the week! Thank you, Claudia.
thank you AGAIN … I LOOK SO FORWARD to sunday am’s for these pic’s….. GREAT JOB CLAUDIA
I read somewhere that flamingos can only swallow with their heads upside down and they are pink only because of the chemicals they absorb from eating shellfish, like shrimp.
It must be spring, as did see a robin a week ago. Then again, birds are not too bright.
I count 8 goslings how about yall?
Nope. Four more daze.
Spring is indeed coming! Blooms, tree buds and pollen are just beginning their assault upon my sinuses. Blech! And yet, it is my favorite phase of the year because of the incredible display…. after FALL, of course!
Lost a bird feeder to a bear last night. Just mentioned that we should take them down yesterday. Spring IS here.
Royalties paid to SNS…
Most of my pictures taken with the little flip phone ain’t very good. That said, this spring has been interesting. Our shack sits bordered by water on two sides (North & East). The northern exposure always has a menagerie of birds with many being transient (fall & spring).
Seems that the last few years has been an ever expanding group. Beyond the numerous species of waterfowl we had a group of Sand Hill Cranes stop in for a visit recently. First time any came in from their high passover flights back and forth. Stayed a few days and moved on. I was hoping they’d stay and start a local colony as there’s a few mated pairs up river from us.
Thought I might have shared the picture and perhaps not good enough for Claudia to use, but I’ll resend it later today. Was taken from about a hundred yards off so not well done.
The thrill of having a Great Blue Heron fly over and take a crap on your windshield is perhaps a bit more disturbing than the wall to wall goose shit on the lawns. Spitting snow right now…
Check your e-mail Claudia…
Hit “Post Comment” and looked up out the windows in front of the puter to see a pair of Woodies swimming by…
The serenity of the location will soon disappear with the numerous watercraft and often wondered why there’s no open season on the jet skis. From my upper deck the pickings would be quite easy with the FN.
There is a local ordinance that requires ALL personal watercraft must spend the first hour running circles in the bay in front of my house after launching.
I hate people…
Spring has sprung, the grass has riz
This is where the critters iz!
All the world seems in tune on a spring afternoon
When we’re poisoning pigeons in the park…