Is it still a debate if only one candidate shows up? – IOTW Report

Is it still a debate if only one candidate shows up?

In Minnesota, Republican Karin Housley debates empty lectern.

Powerline Blog: In my comments on the Minnesota Senate race between appointed incumbent Tina Smith and GOP challenger Karin Housley, I have routinely described Tina Smith as a vacuous metro liberal. How vacuous is she? She declined to debate Housley yesterday evening, letting an empty lectern stand in her place (video below). Smith was a no-show.   MORE

12 Comments on Is it still a debate if only one candidate shows up?

  1. Reminds one of Clint Eastwood debating Obama represented by an empty chair.
    I was at a small meet and greet recently for Karin Housley. She’s the real deal.
    She could easily win with just a little national support…and might win anyway.

    (hadn’t seen TN Tuxedo’s comment before typing)

  2. Why is her name familiar to me? Lived in MN 33 years; but gone one year and I forget everything!

    I pray that MN will have enough people to walk away from their life-long stupor and vote for her.

    I also saw a tweet from President Trump supporting Eric Paulsen. He was my Rep. and I had to vote for him or the D would win. But his conservative score was always F. The only thing somewhat conservative was his support of financial responsibility. That is what President Trump needs him for.


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