Is it the end of the road for unions who use member’s money against their will to fund the left-wing? – IOTW Report

Is it the end of the road for unions who use member’s money against their will to fund the left-wing?

This is key legislation and a giant step toward taking back our country from leftists.


From 2012 through 2016, labor unions donated roughly $765 million to political causes and groups, and a staggering 99% of those donations went to leftist political causes or candidates. Luka Ladan, communications director for the Center for Union Facts, stated, “For years, labor unions have hijacked member dues to fund Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List and other pro-abortion groups. Yet many union members oppose the abortion lobby. The Employee Rights Act would require union officials to obtain permission before spending dues dollars on left-wing political advocacy.”

For example, in 2007 alone, labor unions donated $1.8 million to Planned Parenthood, $810,000 to Emily’s Choice and $45,000 to NARAL Pro-Choice America. Often a majority of union members do not know that their dues are funding the abortion lobby. “Big Labor doesn’t really want to publicize it,” Ladan said.

Recognizing the massive imbalance in union spending on leftist political causes, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale stated in July, “We may have gotten too close to one party. We should be for people who are for us, regardless of party label.”

There’s a novel concept, considering that roughly 40% of union household members vote Republican.

The Employee Rights Act, a bill introduced in the House this past May, would seek to stop the current unfair labor union practices by enabling workers the freedom to select or refrain from union representation as well as require union officials to obtain permission from union members before spending dues on causes they may oppose.


22 Comments on Is it the end of the road for unions who use member’s money against their will to fund the left-wing?

  1. I am a union electric hand (IBEW), although the union leadership is always left of Karl Marx, you are hard pressed to find anyone that actually works in the trades that aren’t conservative as hell.

  2. I hope it is the end of it! This union dues crap was a burr in DHS butt. He hated that his money went to the liberals and he had no say in it. Take them down along with the NFL. Thugs!!!

  3. I believe the courts are also hearing a case about compulsory union membership and dues. When this was eliminated in Wisconsin, the teacher’s union lost most of its members.

  4. I’m required to to pay $110/month. The only way out of the union is to quit my job. When the vote was taken to form a “closed shop”, only the current union members were allowed to cast a ballot.

  5. Republicans have to realize once and for all that liberals attack us with our own money. Like psychotic muslims that use our own planes to fly in to buildings, they get us to fund thier offensive against us. If they had to use their own money it’d be a different story.

  6. No.
    For some years union maggots have had the “legal authority” to demand a return of “dues” used for purposes other than “collective bargaining.”
    Robert Reich rescinded the rule that notices to that effect had to be displayed in the work place.
    And any “worker” who availed himself soon felt the wrath of the union.
    Thug enforcers made sure that “workers” declined that “right.”

    Reich said that “Unions must hold their member’s feet to the fire …” completely abnegating the idea that the unions were voluntary organizations of workers.

    You could look it up!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Read Rules for Radicals. One need only read the author’s dedication to know the ideological foundation of union leadership. If shop stewards and reps only understood their puppeted role.

  8. bill OCTOBER 24, 2017 AT 8:03 AM
    fed employee unions are a big part of our problem.

    And why are there federal unions at all when the gubmint is the one who made the guidelines for workers’ rights? Basically, the fed unions are drawing from the taxpayer. Where’s OUR representation?

  9. The Employee Rights Act would require union officials to obtain permission before spending dues dollars on left-wing political advocacy.”

    Another set of laws for the union leadership to ignore until they’re dragged into court.

  10. Unions destroyed my father’s job at a local Autolite factory. Sure, he was pulling down $350 a week in the 60’s but he was laid off 6 months at a time and the factory shut down. I was a kid in college looking for a job when I walked in to a small shop ask. I was informed it was a closed shop. I didn’t know what that meant. It was explained I would have to join a union and pay $110 dues a year. It didn’t sound like freedom to me so I left. I loath unions and all the thuggery I have witnessed in it my whole life.

  11. Remember this article when bankrupt unions ask us to bail out their pension funds after they wasted money on all those communists and their leftist causes. It’s up to union members to force union bosses to prioritize spending before it’s too late.

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