Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up? – IOTW Report

Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up?

American Thinker

Why is Jeff Sessions hiding the Uranium One informant?

Perhaps as startling as the revelation that the FBI was investigating the Hillary Clinton/Russia/Uranium One collusion and that key figures like Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe knew about it and said nothing, is the refusal by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove the non-disclosure agreement gag order on the FBI informant who arguably could put Bill and Hillary Clinton and a few others in federal prison.

It was said the Jeff Sessions recused himself from all things Russian because of election campaign conflicts but is it really because he thought it would insulate him from having to divulge what he knew about Uranium One and the people who at the very least knew about the deal, some who approved the deal, including past and present members of the FBI, the DOJ, and Special Counsel Robert Miller’s team? Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up? If not, then he needs to explain why he is thus far refusing Sen. Chuck Grassley’s request to lift the gag order imposed by the Obama administration as part of the Uranium One cover-up

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31 Comments on Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up?

  1. When the English peasants in the time of King John started fighting back the Magnates and John called a truce – they realized that ~2,500 Aristocrats were no match for 2.5 Million peasants.

    Sessions may have had a similar revelation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t think Sessions was part of the scandal, I think he’s become part of the coverup and is probably afraid he’ll end up shooting himself in the back of the head.

    There is only one of two fixes for FBI, ATF, CIA and DOJ and that is either to get rid of the agencies which is not possible for CIA and DOJ or fire everyone from the janitors to the leaders and start over.

  3. And we wait. For anything on any front. So we’re left to speculate about everything.
    Nothing on Las Vegas
    Nothing on Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton
    Nothing on the IRS and other agencies weaponized against the people
    Nothing on Hillary servergate
    Nothing on Fast & Furious
    Nothing on where the funds came from to buy the Iran deal.
    Nothing on Ben ghazi.

    Do I need to keep going?

    And still we wait.

  4. Hey Sessions, you deadbeat! If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Grow some balls, get to work, or go home! And Trunp, don’t be timid. If the swamp threatens you with impeachment wear it like a badge of honor drain the damn swamp. As far as millions of us are concerned you are our last chance, we are with you!

  5. I’ve been very patient with Sessions., always giving him the benefit of the doubt.
    His refusal to let this guy talk, removed all doubt.
    Sessions, Rosenstein and McCabe need to go.

  6. “However, Rod Rosenstein “is conflicted,” said Toensing, “because he was the U.S. attorney who oversaw the case involving my client.” Toensing added that she has “asked an oversight committee to pursue the release” of the NDA so her client may testify before Congress about what he knows.”

    Oh OK then. Rodenstein can quit the AG office. There. Bye bye!

  7. The entire congress- when one of them sharts they all check their drawers. Of course he knew about it, Andrew Mc said as much in the article.
    Was he part of it? I doubt it but as I said in a previous post, no one wants to yank on that loose thread. The unraveling would catastrophic.

  8. For our own sanity, we may as well settle in and celebrate the victories, as minor as they may seem because no matter if Trump wanted to replace AG/Dep AG/FBI, Congress will not approve anyone but status quo. That’s a fact. Think Wray, anyone seen or heard a peep out of him on anything? Particularly to instill confidence of the damaged agency?
    I think they’re hoping if tax reform passes, the economy picks up and wages/jobs go gang busters, we’ll be happy peons & forget about this stuff.

  9. Everybody on her staff and her should be on trial. The fact that she’s out there walking around blaming everybody for her loss disgusts me. Come on Sessions start bringing these criminals to trial.

  10. @joe6pak October 22, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    > As far as millions of us are concerned you are our last chance, we are with you!

    It’s hard not to personalize a quote, in a response to a specific post. But that’s not the intent. It just happens to be a great “Me too!” phrase.

    If millions had any, even the slightest, reason — not unicorn fart huffing hope, but reason — to believe that true, the world would be a different place. But after President Trump fails — sorry, @joe6pak, the President of The United States has a maximum of two, four year terms… if the camps aren’t running full out after the first year, there is physically not enough time left to have the new system up and running before the second term is over… it’s just “nation building” math — there’ll be President Pence. Or President Clinton. Not sure if that will be Hillary or Chelsea — not that it’ll matter to anyone but Hillary. And, still, millions will wait for this, shiny new, “last chance”. Same as it ever was.

    When millions abandon all hope… plans will change. When tens of millions abandon all hope… things will change. Same as it ever was.

  11. As corny as it sounds, I am going to sit down and write as brief a letter as I am capable to the President’s office this week. In it I am going to convey, as poignantly as I can, the reason he needs to pursue these crimes — because they are crimes. And I’m going to tell him that if he thinks he can jive all of us who spent long hours — including two summer’s worth of time — pulling for him and getting him elected, he’s gravely mistaken. He told us he would go after this stuff, that he was a “law and order” president, and he damn well better. Again, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch summed it up perfectly: A two tiered justice system is worse than no justice system. And it is the sign of a failed state. No wall and no humdinger economy is going to make up for an obvious system that protects gov’t criminals.

  12. @anon, I would like to disagree with you, but unless Trump somehow manages to really drain the swamp, which is not really even Congress, it’s all the government employees that either are pulling the strings or biding their time until the right President gets elected and encourages them to do what they do.
    Society is so screwed up that I don’t know if it can be turned back in time. Spending my entire lifetime in a red state and rural area for so long the crazy society was like a foreign country to us. In my younger days I always said well we’re the last to get the new fads, so we’ll be the last to get the crazy society. They finally got here quite some time ago, how do you turn back the clock on that?

  13. With the Uranium One story finally floating to the surface last week I think there’s a strong possibility Trump and company are still trying to get a handle on how deep and wide the corruption is. Or maybe more accurately just how much of it they can prosecute. I’m going to give it a little more time before I hit the panic button.

  14. @AA. May God direct your thoughts & Gen Kelly hand deliver your letter. 100% support you. Maybe you’ll share the letter with us? I know you’ll share the response!

  15. Brad, I’ll join you in the “bit more time”, one more time. Perhaps Sessions will change his mind, but I’m going to put off making flight reservations to the east coast to attend the trials.

  16. It seems the very people they are after now have their own Department of Justice. Weird. It seems pretty obvious that that was the intent of Mueller’s Special Panel from the get. Maybe that’s why Trump is surrounding himself with Military Personnel.

  17. We live in interesting times. I’m trying my best to teach my kids and grandkids. They are everything to me, and I pray they are learning. A man I learned so much from had a saying, “Everyday is War”. I could tell a few stories, but he is right. You better wake up with the intention of winning. Guys like Sessions lost that edge, you can tell because he stinks like shit. I’m sorry, I’m losing my patience with this treading water.

  18. Sessions is a pressure relief valve between those that despise America and the Red-Blooded Americans that want this shit cleaned up.
    He, (Sessions), is NOT on our side.

  19. Americans (just like the English, Irish, Scots, French, Germans, Angolans, Palestinians, Syrians, Arabs, South Africans, Ethiopians, Zimbabweans, Spanish, Dutch, Danes, Nigerians, Russians, Chinese, &c.) are being played for suckers.

    As long as we accept lies and dissimulation from these clowns we remain serfs.

    The “Great American Experiment” was the sovereignty (implying consent) of the governed, as distinguished from an imposed rule. Once we accepted lies from our “agents” and “representatives” we also accepted subservience.

    Apparently, Sessions purpose is to obfuscate, confuse, and distract the American people from the facts concerning their being deceived.

    izlamo delenda est …

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