Is Joe Biden ready for Trump? – IOTW Report

Is Joe Biden ready for Trump?

Many signs point to no.

Pundits are so desperate to gaslight voters into thinking Biden’s behavior is normal that they insisted the exchange with the auto worker was ‘terrific’, ‘impressive’, and ‘a good thing’. NBC News aired a portion of the video clip, but cut out the part where Biden threatened to slap the voter and praised him for ‘pull[ing] no punches’. Biden later explained away his behavior to a reporter by blaming the Sanders campaign for amplifying the moment. The media won’t be able to cover for Biden’s aggression when he is stuck on a debate stage with Trump, who will easily rile him up and then pummel him on every misstep. 

28 Comments on Is Joe Biden ready for Trump?

  1. “Is Joe Biden ready for Trump?”

    Never happen. I can’t wait to see how they get out of the debates. Bidens standard reply, “Oh yea wise guy, let’s step out side”.

  2. Biden is irrelevant, a figurehead and nothing more.

    It’s the power behind him, the one that will control him, call them Senior Management if you wish, that counts. Their the ones that are ready to take on Trump and initiating their strategy to do so now.

  3. I still don’t think Biden will be the Democrat nominee and that something will happen just before the convention to eliminate him and have someone else (Hillary, Mooch?) chosen to run.

    Having said that, if Biden does run he’s screwed. Trump doesn’t get mad at these things so you can see him needling Biden (about his past votes, statements, fraud/coercion/graft as well as his family (including Beau) leaching off government and taxpayers and spinning him up at the debates until he blows a head pipe in front of the nation.

  4. Biden has this ‘tough guy’ act, that is a mile wide and an inch deep.

    Further, the bastards is a corrupt traitor.

    Further, he is grade-b intellectually.

    Finally, he is addled mentally.

  5. My lefties on FB thought Slow Old Joe’s press conference was Presidential because he could read the teleprompter better than Trump. They’ll happily vote for Joe because they think Obama will be in charge behind the scenes. Between Bernie and shadow Obama, they’d rather have O.

    jOeBama 2020

  6. That senile old coot is sliding fast.
    It’s like riling up your ol granny while she complains about the new “expressway system.”
    At this point, they’re committing elder abuse.

  7. The Democrat leadership are convinced they could nominate a St. Bernard and win against the Republicans. That is confidence based on decades of unchallenged voter fraud and judicial manipulation. They know their base will vote straight ticket, no matter what, and the rest they can make-up by suppressing the count of Republican votes and multiplying Democrat votes.

  8. Biden could be the convention nominee and then pull out for medical reasons. The DNC powers then could put in a substitute, either the VP on the ticket or someone else entirely.


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