Is Monkey Pox an STD? – IOTW Report

Is Monkey Pox an STD?


[…] The first of the seven cases logged in the UK involved a person who had recently been to Nigeria, where they are believed to have contracted the infection. According to the UK Health Security Agency, all four of the most recent cases are men who identify as gay or bisexual or other men who have sex with men. more

30 Comments on Is Monkey Pox an STD?

  1. No doubt the Covid “vaccine version 5.6” will cover monkey pox as well, for a slightly higher cost and risk. Fauci is in the laboratory as we type, working on it. Or is it version 6.1??

  2. “The people involved are doing well and are isolating at home, but a close eye is being kept on them in case they need hospital treatment.” They should have a close eye kept on them in case they leave their homes and try any monkey business.

  3. Are you shittin me? Seriously transmission started by gay men, and they call it monkeypox, and originated in Africa?? What year is this?? And yea get Faucci on it since he did so good on the 1st go round when they called it aids?

  4. Well the goodcnews is that if it has anything to do with homos, there will be no lockdowns.

    “ulcerative lesions”…ugh…and Chasten, just don’t. Please.

  5. If there are no exceptional countries/societies, and all of them are equal — as oblowme adamantly stated — why aren’t dangerous viruses and diseases originating from the Western world? They all come from non-western countries. And it has nothing to do with our climate. We have tropical states, too.

  6. “… gay or bisexual or other men who have sex with men.”

    HUH? Sounds like a faggot, to me.
    Suck dicks or get plowed in the ass, you’re a faggot. PERIOD.
    Two guys on a dick? Don’t matter which end, they’re both faggots. PERIOD.

    Say what you mean, mean what you say.

    Sooooo … monkeypox isn’t really a bid deal at all, is it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. That sarcoma stuff that gays get with AIDS, does look like a monkey pox. Nasty horrible looking. I was kinda wondering when the next plague would hit the LGBQRTXY tribe, and here it is! Delicious. I heard it hits blacks, wonder if it has anything to do with it being fi4rst spotted in Africa. Gates is involved with vaxxes and Africa. He said we’re in for another one, he was right, and he’s already got the pharmaceutical lined up for the pox vax. Just like clockwork.

  8. You all are saying it wrong.
    The ‘k’ is silent.
    You know damn well they are going to wring out every $$ possible.
    But yeah, it’s more than likely AIDS 2.0

  9. I was reading other articles and they claim that the vaccines you already got as a kid works against the monkey one, too. HOWEVER… The COVID vaxxes tend to attract monkey pox, meningitis, and you guessed it, coronaviruses. lol.

    Anyway, the monkey pox is not a new thing. So why get all excited about it now? Hmm????

  10. A heads-up to all regarding the fake conservative news site NYPOST which has been spreading around false info about some ‘monkeypox’ in addition to using doctored photos of a woman’s skin disturbances. The site has a long rep of using photoshopped, adulterated, and very-old photos to spread around any false info which would benefit them. They were recently busted using an old photo of some long-ago war-torn bedraggled woman in Ukraine. Add the very-verified fact that fake conserv NYPOST and others had been paid by HHS to spread fake covid19 info and push the toxic vax. Same now goes for the so-called ‘monkeypox’ NYPOST and other fakers have been screeching about.


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