Is My Pillow’s Mike Lindell Planning To Smother Ilhan Omar’s Political Career? – IOTW Report

Is My Pillow’s Mike Lindell Planning To Smother Ilhan Omar’s Political Career?

Nice headline Mike Vespa!


Millions use his product every day. Mike Lindell, the creator of My Pillow, is one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters. He also could be leaving his pillow empire behind, as rumors are circling that he’s considering running for political office. He posted a cryptic tweet that around 7:30 A.M. he will be making an announcement concerning whether he will be entering the political arena in Minnesota. If he does toss his hat in the ring, many are speculating that he could be itching to take on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), one of the members of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) Leninist Girl Scout Troop who is rapidly taking over the Democratic Party. These gals are left-wing. They’re radical. They hate America. And they’ve peddled bigoted views, especially toward those who are of the Jewish faith. And if they didn’t peddle anti-Semitic tropes, they sure defended their fellow sisters who did. 

28 Comments on Is My Pillow’s Mike Lindell Planning To Smother Ilhan Omar’s Political Career?

  1. If he is going on Fox & Friends he is dead in the water. The only way Omar will lose is in the primary. If JFK were raised from the dead to run against Omar as a Republican he would lose in Mpls because JFK would be running as a Republican.

    Never mind the fact that if JFK were to run anywhere today he would be labeled an “Arch conservative” with all that “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country”.

  2. He has a wonderful story. He went from being a crack addict to finding God, getting cleaned up and now is a multi-millionaire business man. He is an American dream success story.

    Who better to fight along side President Trump?

  3. Thirdtwin, her district includes St. Louis Park. I worked there for 15 years starting in ’83. Very heavy Jewish area. Don’t ask me how Omar got elected. It may have changed now. Don’t know.

  4. Omar is going to be around for a long time -like life- unless the Republicans can find a viable candidate to run against her.

    Nut cases aren’t going to cut it.

  5. Mike Lindell is anything but creepy. To second Claudia, he is a wonderful story of redemption. He has a cameo in “Unplanned” and I almost clapped out loud when I saw him. Anyone who thinks he’s creepy is sadly misinformed.

  6. Not getting why Lindell is being called “creepy”. Can someone explain?

    And Claudia, I think there was a lot of virtue-signaling on the center-right in 2018. Hopefully most of those people now see how costly that was and will correct course in 2020.

  7. He could be a new conservative political hero. At least he has turned his back on the liberal Jewish perspective, if he is in fact, a Jew. Has has apparently climbed a personal Mt. Everest in overcoming drug and alcohol addition. A lot of us can relate.

    For me, I will watch and wait before climbing on his bandwagon.

  8. Don’t underestimate Mike Lindell. He’s a good and obviously successful business man with a God-inspired testimony that he often shares. What a great victory if the district flips and votes for Lindell, a Christian Republican. All about the sovereignty of God. Miracles still happen.

  9. Thirdtwin, “virtue-signaling” – I can see that happening there. It was not a conservative area, but I don’t think they are dumb, either. I hope you’re right about them possibly seeing the light!

  10. Hopefully Mike will prove himself a true patriot and donate pillows to the Clinton Secret Service Detail.
    When I hear that the Clinton’s woke up dead ,,,
    Mike’s the man!


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