Is Netflix trying to commit suicide? – IOTW Report

Is Netflix trying to commit suicide?

WFB: Netflix Appoints Fmr. Obama Advisor Susan Rice to Board of Directors.

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice now has a new gig as a member of Netflix’s board of directors.

Rice and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings released statements regarding her joining the video streaming company, Variety reports.

“I am thrilled to be joining the board of directors of Netflix, a cutting-edge company whose leadership, high-quality productions, and unique culture I deeply admire,” Rice said.

“We are delighted to welcome Ambassador Rice to the Netflix board,” Hastings said. “For decades, she has tackled difficult, complex global issues with intelligence, integrity and insight and we look forward to benefiting from her experience and wisdom.”  MORE

36 Comments on Is Netflix trying to commit suicide?

  1. Most of America’s wealth is owned by leftists. They can afford to make mistakes and generally do not care what most of us think. Netflix execs want to be patted on the back, at Hollywood galas or Planned Parenthood banquets, for supporting awful people like Susan Rice.

  2. it’s another affirmative action do-nothing hire.

    it’s not like she will ever have to do any work for her pay.

    I just cannot figure out who this asshole is talking about though …

    “she has tackled difficult, complex global issues with intelligence, integrity and insight”

    and what it has to do with his affirmative action whore, I mean hire ?

  3. Damn, I cancelled cable a few years ago. Save a ton and not support the propaganda. I like(ed) Netflix. This is a unbelievably stupid decision. So now we have a bald face liar to help lead the programing? I am going to have to cancel, but it will be a bit painful.

  4. @DaveVA – your local library system probably has tons of DVDs you can borrow for free to watch at home. I can log in to my library account and request videos from other branches to be delivered for me at my local branch. I cancelled Netflix a couple of years ago and have not looked back. The only reason I wish I still had Netflix would be so that I could cancel my subscription today.

  5. I had bought their stock under $190, took the ride, still made a lot of money on them but dumped it first this am. I’m done investing in these damn leftist tech companies. Ticking time bombs before they do or say something that ends up affecting their investors. Their content is also completely going to the extreme far left. Their newest season 2 of one of their original programming shows was dumped last Friday was full of abortion quips, sexism, nazis white supremacists and a heavy handed anti-fracking storyline. Should have followed my gut and dumped it Monday. Even The Punisher was pretty anti evil military. Who needs this crap as a viewer or investor.

  6. I know we hate youtube but they have lots of great movies from the 1940’s – 1970’s and it’s free. Very few movies after that time are worth watching anyway unless you like to laugh at their propaganda.

  7. I wont be letting go of netflix just yet. Or amazon. there is very little entertainment out there that isnt left oriented unless it is produced in another country and netflix or amazon is the only place i can find unoffensive quality programming, usually from brits.

  8. You can find dvd’s at used book stores and hospice stores for a $1 or less. I have donated many rare and great movies and documentaries to our hospice. (As opposed to hollywood checkout counter crap)
    I dumped netflix 7 or 8 years ago and never missed it.

  9. dumped Nutlicks over 2 years ago when all the leftist garbage, especially from the so-called ‘comedians’ & crap shows & movies showed up in abundance.

    if you find good music, movies or tv on youmustconformtube, you can download it free to your computer w/out having them stream it to you …. … it’s a third party converter

  10. Bright side: maybe she can hire Hogg to intern there while he’s figuring out his next step. They (she, preezy and the youngest idiot) can all produce more propoganda together.

  11. Reed Hastings, Grand Exalted Cyclops of Netflix, has in no way attempted to hide that he is a far Leftist who hates anyone to his right’s guts.

    Likewise, when a black woman becomes available on the auction block, you should not be surprised when he checks her back teeth, takes a whiff under the skirt and buys her with his spare folding money. He is a Democrat after all.

    I dumped Netflix when he made his positions known prior to the election. Fuck him and anybody who supports him. There are a lot of options out there these days and he isn’t the only streaming video game in town anymore. A Roku box can rent or stream almost anything you’re looking for.

    Same goes for Lyft who hired Valerie Jarrett to their Board. They can have Camera Hogg organize an advertiser boycott of Laura Ingraham overnight but we won’t cancel Netflix because you want to see Season 2 of Jessica Jones? There is plenty of better interracial porn available for free without the distractingly bad SJW storyline.

  12. Netflix will never get my money 💰This company hired Hussein and know Susan rices the mother fuc that went to every single channel and lied about Benghazi, and one innocent person went to jail. Plus my taxes money 💰 went to Muslim country to say sorry to the Muslim country for a video that didn’t have nothing to do with Benghazi. Fuc Hussein and fuc the mother fuc Susan rices.

  13. Cancelled my subscription and said they betrayed their customers by making their products political. If companies are too stupid to look at Target, Dick’s and anyone else that walks this path, doesn’t deserve to be successful. I’m really pissed because I was anticipating the new season of Daredevil, too.

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