Is Obama running scared? – IOTW Report

Is Obama running scared?

American Thinker;

Former President Obama is back on the political hustings again, this time sounding less combative in his warnings to voters to vote for his chosen Democrats — and a bit more scared.

According to Fox News:

Obama said the November midterm elections would give Americans “a chance to restore sanity in our politics” during his 20-minute speech to a crowd of around 900 Democratic faithful at the Anaheim Convention Center, while warning voters of the risks of keeping Republicans in power.

“If we don’t step up, things can get worse,” Obama said. “We have a chance to flip the House of Representatives; to say ‘Enough is enough.’”

Ah, yes, the restore sanity “narrative” as if the sanity problem he decries weren’t the result of his own Deep State holdouts creating leaks and chaos. Nice try, pal.

But what’s really vivid is the nervous, wary, warning tone of his, suggesting that he really really wants Democrats to vote for his minions … because he himself feels endangered.

Starting with his own tired “narrative” about himself and his progressive values as the fount of all unity and progress, he gives us this:

“It’s always tempting for politicians for their own gain and for people in power to try to see if they can divide people, scapegoat folks, turn them on each other, because when that happens you get gridlock and government doesn’t work and people get cynical and decide to not participate,” he said.

“That, unfortunately, has been a spiral we’ve been on for the last couple of years,” Obama continued. “If we don’t step up, things can get worse.”

As if those values weren’t at the heart of why Obamacare got passed with strongarm tactics and zero Republican votes. Unifier indeed.  MORE

23 Comments on Is Obama running scared?

  1. I don’t know if he’s running scared, but he sure can’t decide whether to sh*t or go blind.

    He’s stuck in the US campaigning for The Resistance, meanwhile Trump’s domestic economy is humming on auto pilot, and he’s shredding obama’s failed foreign policies across the globe.

  2. I saw a meme today that cracked me up and says how I feel about obama:

    “I’d rather shove a wet noodle up a bobcat’s @ss in a telephone booth than listen to another obama speech.”

  3. I still say the little creep ran off to Tahiti until the Deep State signaled they had Trump lined up for removal in a few months. Book, my ass.

    Barky sounds like he did when it was clear that Hillary might lose, so he spent the last week in NC desperately trying to save his own ass by saving hers. Now he’s desperate to turn the House so his corruption, and the Uniparty’s, will remain unexposed.

  4. Another awesome Meme on FB is

    0webama’s the Guy that had 8 Years to take the lid off of a Jar,

    and couldn’t do it…Trump opens it… and 0webama says

    “I loosened it for you”

    When this article shows up on FB I’ll add the Meme

  5. Every place that man campaigns the GOP should run adds of Obama saying “those jobs are gone” “what is {Trump} going to do? What magic wand does he have?”

    Then play The Who “you won’t be fooled again”. If I could call the shots them the calls I would call.

  6. He’s going to throw everybody under the bus, before he takes a hit.
    Watch some Hillary stuff appear if the investigation starts circling Barry.
    Mitch will kick his ass if he derails her gravy train


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