Is Omicron Safer Than the Vaccine? – IOTW Report

Is Omicron Safer Than the Vaccine?

Human Events

According to a new study out of South Africa, the Omicron variant is 80% less likely to send individuals to the hospital than previous strains. 

The pre-print study from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases found that Omicron has a 70% less risk of severe disease, though once a patient is hospitalized, the risk of severe disease is the same as previous strains, the Daily Caller reports.  More

7 Comments on Is Omicron Safer Than the Vaccine?

  1. Reality:
    “…According to a new study out of South Africa, the Omicron variant is 80% less likely to send individuals to the hospital than previous strains…”

    The left:
    “Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain!”

  2. It IS the vaccine.
    It’s going to take a couple of weeks for the deaths to obviously go down. It may take a couple of months for cases to drop, which will signal the actual end.
    Meanwhile, governments continue to push existing and new mandates. They know they are running out of time and power, and of course the key is how to control the November election results.

  3. This covid and omicron bullshit is so important for the power hungry liberals that nothing else is allowed to get in the way.

    It not only distracts from many more important events presently going on, it is their biggest hope yet to maintain permanent power.

    Screw liberals, anywhere and everywhere.

  4. If his handlers weren’t within 8 feet, Jackass Joe would probably pull down his pants to cough into one hand while holding the other behind him to see which one fills up first!

  5. though once a patient is hospitalized, the risk of severe disease is the same as previous strains, the Daily Caller reports.

    So are they paying their hospitals to put you on a killer vent and give you medicine to shut down your organs or do they just do it for free?

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