Is Piers Morgan Too Stupid To Have a Total Epiphany? – IOTW Report

Is Piers Morgan Too Stupid To Have a Total Epiphany?

People are hailing Piers Morgan as a hero after going toe-to-toe with an Imam and a government official in the wake of the London Bridge attack.


Not so fast.

The Sun-

After today’s episode opened with shocking scenes of the violence on Saturday night, Piers had two heated discussions with Culture Secretary Karen Bradley and North London imam Ajmal Masroor.

He shouted at Mrs Bradley, the MP for Staffordshire Moorlands, as she seemingly refused to say whether there were more or less police officers on the streets since Theresa May became Prime Minister.

He angrily asked: “Why can you not answer a simple question?” and repeatedly said, “I will ask again,” as he resorted to yelling in an attempt to get an answer.

After a handful of attempts, Piers ranted: “Still I want a straight answer – do we have more or less armed police?”

Fans quickly took to Twitter to give the thumbs-up to Piers’ direct style in the wake of the horror attacks on Saturday night.

One wrote: “you are legend, you say it as it is, RESPECT,” while another commented: “Some great reporting & interviews this morning @piersmorgan @susannareid100 @CharlotteHawkns we need you guys on a 24hr rolling news channel.”

A third commented on his questioning style, writing: “Piers was persistent as ever but never got a straight answer,” while one followed with: “Well done for always challenging what people believe and making people think more… don’t always agree but always respect you.



And that leads us right to Piers Morgan’s idiocy.

Has the lightbulb flickered in his skull yet?

What does a citizen do when the government does not have their best interests at heart and refuses to protect them ? What do citizens do when they aren’t allowed to have guns?

This is what 2A proponents always say-

“When seconds matter the police are minutes away.”

This is not just a cute bumper sticker. This is the bare naked truth.

Also, citizens must be armed, at the very least, to be able to combat their own government, when necessary. Piers just had a shouting match with a government official who has disdain for his point of view on an issue that has life and death ramifications.

Wise up old mate.

By the way- this commenter sums up the Brits perfectly-

 “What a hero. You asked all the questions that the country want answers for. I agree all police officers need a firearm instantly.”

All the police officers need a firearm???

What a dumb bastard. Did they just not watch the same damn interview??

How about YOU need a firearm instantly. Expecting someone else to be your savior is weak, lazy and naive.

14 Comments on Is Piers Morgan Too Stupid To Have a Total Epiphany?

  1. Brits have been disarmed for so long that it never even occurs to them that they should have the right to own a firearm. The social experiment has worked perfectly.

  2. BadBrad. Pretty funny.
    Was having some fun with my new RWS Panther 22 air rifle the other day. I’ve got a bat house on a 25 foot pole about 150 feet from my patio table. It’s 2.5 inches in diameter.

    It rings like a bell when you hit it. Bats don’t like it much though.

  3. When your police respond to a terrorist attack armed with a baton you’ve already lost the battle. Yet again no one is heroic enough to discuss the real issue – what is at the root of all these attacks, ISLAM. Except Trump, the only one they treat like a barbaric dangerous maniac.

  4. If we can air-drop in tons of weapons and ammo to Syrian terrorists, we certainly can do it for Christians in Europe to take back their own country from the same terrorists.

  5. Phenry, thank you for the reports on the Panther, I’ve
    one bookmarked for my daughter, She’s gonna learn rifle
    Should round out with her Aikido lessons.

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