Is Rep. Marcy Kaptur the Dems’ Canary in the Coal Mine? – IOTW Report

Is Rep. Marcy Kaptur the Dems’ Canary in the Coal Mine?

[…] Enter Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) who is warning Democrats they must listen to working class Americans again or they will lose in 2022. Rep. Kaptur, 74, is the longest serving woman in the U.S. House of Representatives in American history. And yet, she has been shut out of House Democratic Leadership throughout her tenure. more

14 Comments on Is Rep. Marcy Kaptur the Dems’ Canary in the Coal Mine?

  1. To late Marcy. I’m thinking DJT has figured out how to fight the enemies of the Republic. And it’s not by holding office. It’s by running a shadow Government. Just like the Magic Kenyan. DJT will be a king maker during the midterms. And he’ll be focusing more on RINOs that betrayed him the Libtards. I hope Mitch the Bitch is in his cross hairs.

  2. We need to wake up, and take action! They will not lose unless we get some sort of voter ID and control over the count. Without out a doubt liberal democrats are enemy number one, within a nose at the finish line are the no good rinos!

  3. Bo Snerdly tweeted that some Republican ex-officials are in talks to form a theirs, anti-Trump party. I replied that there was no reason for them to do that as we already had the Republican Party.

    That is what mean when I say that most third parties are generally wacky (as this one would be) or are vanity parties. If a third party were to get rolling now based on the th8ngs Trump worked for, I think it would take off.

    The RINO party will flop as do most third parties. Remember, the Republican Party was once a third party.

  4. I ran into this cunt at FedEx a few years ago. She’s a Bernie Sanders supporter. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS CRAP. Just like we shouldn’t fall for Tulsi’s garbage. They are ALL the enemy.

  5. “Enter Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) who is warning Democrats they must listen to working class Americans again or they will lose in 2022.”

    Or they WOULD, if they didn’t have Dominion on their side. As Uncle Joe said, it ain’t who votes, but who counts the votes…

  6. @RadioMatt Evan McMuffin (or whatever his name is, McMullin) who was a failed Rino candidate is the guy pushing the new Republican alternative. It says all the right things but the people behind it are all Rinos. I figure it’s a way to screw Trump somehow -it’s only reason for existing.

  7. Illustr8r: Oh, I’m sure. I just don’t think that they are going to get the popular support they think they are going to get. If it were possible for them to get that kind of support, Trump would not have been elected in the first place.


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