Is Single Payer Inevitable? – IOTW Report

Is Single Payer Inevitable?

C. Steven Tucker discusses healthcare on Chicago’s Morning Answer. They discuss the inevitability of single payer and the American Health Care Act in general.

Tucker talks about components that can be tweaked in the senate which may stave off the inevitability of a complete government takeover of the healthcare sector.

7 Comments on Is Single Payer Inevitable?

  1. If the persistence of the Dems and the wussiness of the GOP both continue at the present rate, yes. Trump and DeVos need to hurry up and get Leftists away from our education system to break the trend.

  2. Only iif we submit to this unConstitutional seizure of power and autonomy and property by the government.

    The government has neither the authority nor the basic intelligence to be anywhere in health care. No, the Commerce Clause does not give them the rationale to be involved. We need to end ALL of the governmental involvement in health care to fix it. Capitalism works! The VA and Medicare systems can be phased out and at most vouchers be used by impoverished groups to get health care.

  3. Well, even with Trump as our leader, the GOP has proven that it won’t stop taxpayer-funded medical care.

    By the way, how can they call it single-payer when there are millions of taxpayers footing the bill?

  4. @Braden Lynch May 5, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    > Capitalism works! The VA and Medicare systems can be phased out and at most vouchers be used by impoverished groups to get health care.

    This sounds like the economic policy of The Underpants Gnomes. But, I’ll play along. So…

    1) Vouchers will be funded by who, what, where?

    2) The current economic policy ensures, by design, more money “created” being given to those that already have more money.

    3) Let the Brilliant Machine do It’s work.

    4) Now, there are two groups: Those who have all the current money, and those impoverished. (Yes, the impoverished may be given newly created money. That will no longer affect relative wealth, and ceased being sufficient to alter individuals’ group standing long ago.)

    5) Vouchers will be funded by who, what, where?

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