Is Spygate a recycled 1970s plot? – IOTW Report

Is Spygate a recycled 1970s plot?

AT: There is a long forgotten plot, which brought down a world leader back in the 1970s, that has an eerily similar storyline to the current failed attempt to bring down President Trump.  There were Deep State intelligence operatives actively working to smear the reputation of the duly elected leader and spy on him and his cabinet officials.  This was the plot to bring down Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Great Britain.

The review of this plot is astonishing similar to Spygate.  The animus toward Harold Wilson was triggered in part by comments he made to his Labor Party — in particular, a speech he gave in October 1963 at the Labor Party’s annual conference, where he stated, “The Britain that is going to be forged in the white heat of this revolution will be no place for restrictive practices or for outdated methods on either side of industry.”

Revolutionary talk at the peak of the Cold War was not received well by the British establishment.  This combined with the fact, while his party was in the minority, that he had visited the Soviet Union to promote the business of a former Lithuanian and suggested a partnership with the government there to make rain coats.  These negotiations sent alarm bells through the domestic British intelligence organization known as MI5.

In the run up to the 1974 election, when the the Labor Party defeated the Tory Party and won a majority after four years out of power, the Deep State began to hatch a plan to remove Wilson from office.  This plan, called “Clockwork Orange,” included surveillance of the P.M. and his Cabinet officials.  Information gathered on Harold Wilson was kept in a file in a safe at MI5 under the codename “Henry Worthington.”

Operation “Clockwork Orange” included at least 13 burglaries of the members of Wilson’s Cabinet and senior government officials, all of whom worked at number 10 Downing Street.  It is alleged that MI5 used South African cutouts to perform the burglaries in order to have plausible deniability if caught.  The curious and consistent feature of the burglaries is that nothing was taken other than an antique grandfather clock from Lord Donaghue’s residence.  It is widely believed that the burglaries were to install surveillance equipment.  more here

4 Comments on Is Spygate a recycled 1970s plot?

  1. I listened to a guest on explaining that the whole scenario was originally developed to be used against mccain, when he ran against obama. He said that it was found to be not necessary, so they shelved it. When Trump came along, he said, they pulled it back out and plugged in the russia collusion BS. I haven’t heard or seen any other mention of it, other than that.

  2. …why not? They brought back everything ELSE that was BAD from the ’70’s, complete with a Black Jimmy Carter, the Black Panthers, promoting drug use, promoting sexual perversion, pushing Eastern religions over Western ones, rioting Democrats in all the major cities, Democrats cuddling with Communist as they murder their OWN population, Democrats disrespecting the military, Democrats trying to tear the Country down…yep, it’s all there, but a LOT angrier now that the ORIGINAL Hippies realize that PCP and Metamucil do not mix and that they’re too old and damaged to be able to get it UP for the young women offering “free love”, who turn out to not ACTUALLY be women anyway…

  3. It wouldn’t surprise me that libtard/commie treasonous POS got their idea from an old movie, since they have no imagination to create anything new or good. They just recycle the same old sh*t, including their failed ideology because they are too lazy to aspire to individual greatness. They just want to drag everyone else down to their level.

    Supernightshade beat me to it and said it better.

  4. “It wouldn’t surprise me that libtard/commie treasonous POS got their idea from an old movie, since they have no imagination to create anything new or good. ”

    …absolutely correct, @Gladys. They are doing the Devil’s will, and he can not create, only copy, which is why everything BAD repeats every generation or so, because the old get wise to him so he has to start over with the kids…


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