Who in their right mind keeps black widow spiders as pets. I hate both spiders and snakes. I’d bet you that porch pirate will think twice before he pirates someone’s porch again, next time could be it could be a box of rattlesnakes.
What gave Florida the idea that it was king of this genre in the first place….?
BTW, Brown Recluse would have been more…..effective.
Or tarantulas.
I had a black widow named Sherri…It was great. We would feed her crickets and grasshoppers but the best part was putting a wasp in the jar and taking bets on the battle. Everybody always bet on the wasp and I would just take their money. A wasp can fly and sting, but they are no match for the web. The cocoon of death….
I had a Tarantula too, named Nancy…
You should’ve named it Shelob. Now that’s one big ass man eating or hobbit eating spider.
I don’t care who you are. That’s funny right there.
I’m fairly certain this is a made-up story.
I never had little critters as the actual pets, but I always had at least one breeding pair of cockroaches in my big terrarium to feed the Venus flytraps.
I fed the roaches a little piece of hot dog a couple of times a week and they seemed to be quite happy and satisfied. So were the flytraps feeding on all the little baby cockroaches. The ferns and mosses seemed to take care of themselves just fine, too. Maybe cockroach poop is moss fertilizer.
Lady: The perp smashed Shaniqua”!
Cop: “Why did you name her that”?
Lady: “She was black and had a large behind”.
@Cynic — I agree. Where would a nice Texas lady get enough black widows to have what that guy was calling a box-full?
At least Florida doesn’t have farmers getting blown up by cartel IED’s…yet…
Honestly, we were surprised there was competition when Florida started getting Florida Man attention.
And honestly, again, we took a vote and decided to stay silent and let them take the spotlight.
So you’re way behind the curve of who’s imitating who. We know we crazy. You should too. We were shooting you legally long before it was legal to carry in public.
Uncle Al Saturday, 1 March 2025, 20:34 at 8:34 pm
Brown Recluses
Worst spider in Texas, IMO, and I can collect them by the dozens every trip to one set of customers in the country.
Black Widow vs B.R. ? Brown Recluse, according to 25+ years of documentation in this one community. Nasty, permanent damage stuff.
In 40 years of professional pest control, not once have I witnessed “aggressive” behavior from a Black Widow. Every one of them just sat there when discovered and took whatever method I chose to deal with it, and without a fight.
I’m calling bull sh*t.
“I’m calling bull sh*t.”
Gotta lot of them around here. I can I.D. a black widow just by walking through it’s web. How do make a dumb ass spider aggressive? I know one person that has been bitten by a black widow. It was in her shoes when she slipped it on. Not a big deal.
I know several peeps bitten by a Brown Recluse. Not pretty. That bite just kills all the flesh around it. That’s after the massive infection.
Yea fat boys full of shit.
A friend of the family was putting his boots on and a brown recluse bit him on the toe…hitting a blood vessel. The venom travelled throughout his body, including his optic nerves. After barely surviving the systemic poisoning, years later, he still has muscle weakness and remains mostly blind.
I work on cars in Florida widow spiders are everywhere they are not aggressive .I find then under the car bumpers they have a very strong web it’s BS.
Who in their right mind keeps black widow spiders as pets. I hate both spiders and snakes. I’d bet you that porch pirate will think twice before he pirates someone’s porch again, next time could be it could be a box of rattlesnakes.
What gave Florida the idea that it was king of this genre in the first place….?
BTW, Brown Recluse would have been more…..effective.
Or tarantulas.
I had a black widow named Sherri…It was great. We would feed her crickets and grasshoppers but the best part was putting a wasp in the jar and taking bets on the battle. Everybody always bet on the wasp and I would just take their money. A wasp can fly and sting, but they are no match for the web. The cocoon of death….
I had a Tarantula too, named Nancy…
You should’ve named it Shelob. Now that’s one big ass man eating or hobbit eating spider.
I don’t care who you are. That’s funny right there.
I’m fairly certain this is a made-up story.
I never had little critters as the actual pets, but I always had at least one breeding pair of cockroaches in my big terrarium to feed the Venus flytraps.
I fed the roaches a little piece of hot dog a couple of times a week and they seemed to be quite happy and satisfied. So were the flytraps feeding on all the little baby cockroaches. The ferns and mosses seemed to take care of themselves just fine, too. Maybe cockroach poop is moss fertilizer.
Lady: The perp smashed Shaniqua”!
Cop: “Why did you name her that”?
Lady: “She was black and had a large behind”.
@Cynic — I agree. Where would a nice Texas lady get enough black widows to have what that guy was calling a box-full?
At least Florida doesn’t have farmers getting blown up by cartel IED’s…yet…
Honestly, we were surprised there was competition when Florida started getting Florida Man attention.
And honestly, again, we took a vote and decided to stay silent and let them take the spotlight.
So you’re way behind the curve of who’s imitating who. We know we crazy. You should too. We were shooting you legally long before it was legal to carry in public.
Uncle Al Saturday, 1 March 2025, 20:34 at 8:34 pm
Brown Recluses
Worst spider in Texas, IMO, and I can collect them by the dozens every trip to one set of customers in the country.
Black Widow vs B.R. ? Brown Recluse, according to 25+ years of documentation in this one community. Nasty, permanent damage stuff.
In 40 years of professional pest control, not once have I witnessed “aggressive” behavior from a Black Widow. Every one of them just sat there when discovered and took whatever method I chose to deal with it, and without a fight.
I’m calling bull sh*t.
“I’m calling bull sh*t.”
Gotta lot of them around here. I can I.D. a black widow just by walking through it’s web. How do make a dumb ass spider aggressive? I know one person that has been bitten by a black widow. It was in her shoes when she slipped it on. Not a big deal.
I know several peeps bitten by a Brown Recluse. Not pretty. That bite just kills all the flesh around it. That’s after the massive infection.
Yea fat boys full of shit.
A friend of the family was putting his boots on and a brown recluse bit him on the toe…hitting a blood vessel. The venom travelled throughout his body, including his optic nerves. After barely surviving the systemic poisoning, years later, he still has muscle weakness and remains mostly blind.
I work on cars in Florida widow spiders are everywhere they are not aggressive .I find then under the car bumpers they have a very strong web it’s BS.