Is the DHS preparing to arrest leaders of sanctuary cities? – IOTW Report

Is the DHS preparing to arrest leaders of sanctuary cities?

WaTimes: Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen confirmed Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can lodge criminal charges against sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.


“The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues may be available,” Ms. Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Her confirmation came after California’s new sanctuary law went into effect Jan. 1, severely restricting cooperation the state or any of its localities could offer.  read more  h/t Frank.

17 Comments on Is the DHS preparing to arrest leaders of sanctuary cities?

  1. Sanctuary cities? What about Sanctuary states? Come get this bastard Jerry Brown! Kick his ass in jail. Let him bunk with Bubba. Oh man, do I I have some fantasies going on in my head right now!

  2. Abraham Lincoln would have sent in the Federal Army, surrounded buildings, march out elected officials at bayonet point and imprisoned without trial for the duration.

  3. See Maryland and Kentucky secession, 1861.

    Brown’s a good fall guy. Tiny Dancer in Chicago would be an even better one.

    The instant the first Dem is arrested, the rest will be wetting themselves to disavow Sanctuary votes. In all night sessions.

    Best to grab the lot. Mayor, head of Police, chief City Attorney and all the legal staff, Councilmen and their staffs, everybody.
    Federal court. They’ve all accepted donations from the illegals lobby, so RICO them with Civil Forfeiture as well.
    The Governors can appoint acting Mayors pending new elections.

    This could be a lot of fun.

  4. Just be safe out there. Remember the size of their, genuinely, military grade security forces. Their work on behalf of international drug and terrorist cartels. Their personal estates being the known residences of known serial, contract, and spree killers. I’d recommend contact begin with snipers neutralizing any armed perimeter guards in public spaces. Followed by grenades to announce the “no knock” warrant. And, since the children may be armed, multiple rounds in anything that moves. Until the area is “secured”. You know, one Rule of Law for all.

  5. @💣💥 Mithrandir 💣💥 January 16, 2018 at 11:13 pm

    Do you mean the peasants should, somehow, “secede in place” from The Party — so The Party can safely go about killing themselves… somewhere? Or do you mean that some of The Party should tell the rest of The Party “my peasants, you’ve got your own” — just like the last time?

  6. Can we add public caning into the mix? I really want Caning. Like they do in Singapore. I hear it’s so painful you scream compulsively. And aren’t libs all about expressing themselves?

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