Is the entire shoe rack going to drop on Biden this week? – IOTW Report

Is the entire shoe rack going to drop on Biden this week?

It very well could be a bad October surprise for Biden.

Let’s hope so.

ht/ woody

18 Comments on Is the entire shoe rack going to drop on Biden this week?

  1. I have to be “that guy”. Even though these announcements should disqualify Uncle Joey, if the large left media do not cover them, they will not matter.
    I do hope that enough people do find these stories, but right now, I suspect that the general enthusiasm vote makes more of a difference.
    Go out. Talk to people you know. Convince them that Joey B is a scam.

  2. It really wouldn’t break my heart if the entire shoe rack, the drop ceiling and the roof-mounted air-conditioning unit fell in on this old, demented, crooked bastard! He’d deserve it for selling out our country for his own personal wealth!

  3. Shoe rack? Hell this may be more like a B-52 Superfortress with it’s bomb cargo area packed full of shoes & the whole load gets dumped on Joe, burying him so deep his handlers won’t know which direction to move to try to dig him out.

  4. Good Lord they’re circling the wagons on Joe’s “George” brainfart!

    “He wAs TaLkiNg To gEoRgE LoPeZ sO ThAt’S wHy hE sAiD gEoRgE, yOu cHuMpS.”

    Whatever, you gatekeeping, censorious journo corksoakers. I hope you succeed in getting social media to block it. You’ll be pining for the “George” gaffe by Friday. And a special FU to Jake Tapper. How do you sleep at nght?

  5. “6) When the Clinton emails drop it will be so explosive Big Tech & DNC Media will try to censor it even harder than the laptop stuff. That plays right into Trump’s hands.”

    ^^^That’s the one shoe I would bet on because, as the last sentence says, it plays into President Trump’s hands.
    The rest will either fall on deaf ears or go nowhere because they incriminate the swamp and the swamp protects its own.

  6. More like the RED MAGA hat rack that will crush him.

    He’s going to open that closet door that he should not have opened…and then WHAM…on the floor.

    The Silent Majority is ‘in that MASSIVE closet’ behind that little two foot wide WEAK old rackety wood creaky door…

  7. Yeah, this will be something when those involved are carted off to jail. Until then it’s just more speculative bullshit with no one being held accountable.

    There has been plenty of illegal crap already revealed that nothing has been done on – I’m not from Missouri, but Show Me!

  8. I don’t think it will make any difference, people are going to vote for the side they are on and the candidate doesn’t make a difference.

    Even the so called undecided and swing voters are really on one side or the other and are going to vote that way.

    Nothing will be done by either side against Leftist criminal activity and corruption, now or in the future, as Hillary’s continued freedom and untouchable status demonstrates.

  9. People who want to know WTF is up with Hunter, Joe, China. Porn, Jailbait, etc will find out, in spite of the best algorithms money can buy and a phalanx of hack media. Trump is romping all week and Joe is melting…melting.

    And as far as the shoe rack goes, there is only one pair that matters, and Trump has had them all the time. There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…in the White House.

  10. could there be anything in there about 9/11?

    Just wondering.

    If anyone needs more popcorn ———>>>> (note link on right)
    just dont leave it unattended on the front step when delivered.

  11. Stay with me! Biden/Harris win. The evidence soon shows Biden & Harris were up to their eyeballs in Chinese collusion. They are arrested for treason. Pelosi becomes President!

  12. 1harp,

    I pray you are correct. For some reason suburban women are a reliable Demonrat voting block.

    I don’t know why for the life of me women consider Demonrats safer than Republicans. Every major war we ever fought was started by a Demonrat..

    Maybe one of our sane resident ladies can explain this suburban woman thing, it annoys the crap out of me, and maybe annoying their husband’s is the point…

    In related news Pedo showers with his daughter…and suburban women prefer that?


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