Is the Flight Attendant Right or Wrong? – IOTW Report

Is the Flight Attendant Right or Wrong?

28 Comments on Is the Flight Attendant Right or Wrong?

  1. A professional would handle this in a better way. This gal was given too much authority and her smugness is making me want to side with the passengers.

  2. I’d like to know what her behavior was that led the flight attendant to make that decision. Seems to me we all have to put up with bad behavior and there comes a time when enough is enough.

  3. If you don’t like it, start your own airline. lol

    Go in public and hang out while exhibiting strange and bizarre behavior while recording. You will be asked to stop recording and leave. The cops will be called and ask you to leave. If you stick up for your rights and continue to act “weird” the cops will press for you to goto a hospital. So only declared normal behavior that is sanctioned by the state and approved by group-think primates is allowed in public now? Don’t think so. TOO APREE does videos on this very thing:

    Also, screw Southworst.

  4. Um, who does cartwheels with random children while waiting for your flight at the gate? If you saw that you’d quietly hope that crazy woman wouldn’t be seated next to you.

    The black man with the radio said he warned them about their behavior earlier. So, prior to coming down the ramp he must have said something to them to knock it off.

    They both are slurring their words. Her comment that “I have to get home to my children,” grates on me to no end…

    So, I’m siding with the flight attendant.

  5. The FA told them to leave, and they didjn’t. Ergo, if the SHTF in midair and the FA told them to do something vital for the safety of the plane and passengers, they may not obey. FA is 100% correct. You may not like her demeanor, but she’s absolutely making the right decision.

  6. I’m going to side with the flight attendant. She knew the woman spelled trouble. Only thing I don’t agree with, is threatening to call in the cops, she didn’t do it. Poop or get off the pot. The whole crew did not want that woman on board. Nightmare for passengers. Southwest avoided it.

  7. I hold the husband at least partially to blame. He should have told her to knock it off. Apologized and promised to keep his wife in line.

    I was in a two mile line of traffic on the pass yesterday that moved a hundred feet then stopped for five minutes before moving another hundred feet. So I’m sitting there minding my own business listening to Willie’s Road House and enjoying my cigar. I hear EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! And I look over at the little Honda convertible sports car beside me and this woman yells at me PUT THAT CIGAR OUT! I said what did you just say? She again said PUT THAT CIGAR OUT! I looked her in the eye and told her she better watch her mouth before I get out of this truck and come over and put it out in the middle of her forehead. She looks at the husband and started to say something. He told her to stop, but she kept it up and he told her stop again. Then he told her to tend to her own knittin and apologized.

    Guy came up behind her and asked me what that was all about. It was a friend of theirs in an absolutely beautiful 65 Chevy Nova. I told him and he was laughing his ass off. He said he could smell it, but just barely. He said it smelled pretty damn good to him. They are great, I handed is wife a couple for him to enjoy with his buddy later that evening.

    The next time I was beside the Honda she apologized. Her husband enjoys a cigar too and she was just pissed off about sitting there roasting in the sun. They were actually going to the same place I was headed to to drop off my RV. I was just taking the RV back over and coming home, they have a vacation house there and we’re going to the concert last night and coming back on Tuesday.

  8. Ummm… Did anyone see some of the weirdos getting on the plane?! The hair? The tattoos? If THOSE people were waved on, I think there must be something obviously wrong with the eejits who were filming their denial of boarding. Just saying…

  9. Too many shitheads are flying these days, causing all sorts of issues. If I were the pilot of that plane, I would’ve come out and backed my flight attendant.

  10. We went to Houston yesterday. We decided to eat at Papadeaux’s near NRG Stadium. It’s an upscale Cajun food restaurant. We were virtually the only white people in the place among a sea of black diners. They were generally well dressed and well behaved and we could hear ourselves speak to each other during our visit. The server was a very competent, polite and well-spoken black male in his late 20’s and we found ourselves enjoying conversation with him. It was such a stark difference to the Papadeaux’s in Beaumont, Texas. We stopped eating there years ago because of the behavior of the blacks that frequent that particular restaurant. You can hear them out in the parking lot when they exit their cars. They usually are screaming at the top of their lungs as they greet people they know or just talking amongst the group they arrived with. When they enter the restaurant, they don’t tone it down to a reasonable volume. They just keep screaming at the top of their lungs making it impossible for the other patrons to enjoy their dining experience. It’s like going to the howler monkey exhibit at a zoo. If they are seated anywhere close to you, you might as well ask for a to-go box and get the hell out of there. They know what they are doing and dare you to even look annoyed as they sit there giving the servers a hard time. Then, at the end of the meal, the bitching about the meal starts and they start demanding vouchers for free meals on their next visit. They usually get them, too. Can’t piss off the local NAACP chapter after all. I’m sick of assholes no matter what color they are. I don’t want people like that on any plane I’m on.

  11. What is nice is the folks I met on the pass have a Donzi, another couple have a Donzi and my neighbor has a Donzi. My RV can bunk nine so we are talking about all getting together for a weekend.

  12. I used to fly for business 2-3 flights/week. When I gave that up 10 years ago it was already appalling, and violent. And the BS was mostly from honkies then (like me). Thirty, 40 years ago you were treated pretty well by the airlines, even in coach, so it was easy to reciprocate. Now they charge you like royalty but treat you like cat puke. My sympathies to flight attendants, but the airline companies themselves can go piss up a rope.


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