Is the goal to make me racist? – IOTW Report

Is the goal to make me racist?

Berkeley students, who never seem to be learning anything, too busy in the streets screeching about a discovered grievance, blocked an area of the campus and only allowed non-white people to pass.

Why, oh why, does this stuff never happen around me????

My access would not be denied, I assure you. And if one hand was laid on me the quad would be renamed BigFurHat, because it seems the school has sanctioned this racism. So any assault on my person for simply walking where I am entitled to walk would lead directly back to the school’s sanctioning of this ridiculously illegal pageantry.

The school was actually redirecting the students to bypass the blockade by walking down an embankment and crossing a stream.

If they insisted I do this they would find me face down in the shallow water, and, again, the quad would be renamed BigFurHat.

Why do people placate this a-holes?

21 Comments on Is the goal to make me racist?

  1. 8 or so students should’ve huddled together and made a human cannonball and plowed through them. And why was tax-paid cops there, they weren’t going to do anything about it. Let the school handle it.

  2. Much ado about nothing.
    Don’t have a cause? Make one!
    Be a Victim. It pays well!
    Be a Pussy. It pays better!
    If the word “Racism” vaporized off the planet today, there would be a lot of so-called “Black Leaders” out of work and whole lot of assholes without a cause tomorrow!

  3. Like I said in a different thread. I’m ready for the insurgency. What are these little fucking puffballs going to do if war ends up coming to America? Run to their safe spaces?

    What they are proposing has the potential to start a second American Civil War.

    Leftism, the new face of bigotry.

  4. Furthermore, I’ve been saying for a long time that the leftists in power who set the agenda, understand that they need perpetual grievance. This is why they put forth the idea of institutionalized racism. But the problem is, they can’t really seem to find it in large numbers in white America like they claim. So if you are looking for a fight but don’t have an active enemy what do you do? You create one.

    So to answer your question Big fur hat, yes, the goal is to make you a racist.

    Not only that, I find it a more than just a little bit ironic that without a shadow of a doubt I can guarantee that 100% of those shitlizards in one form or another support the Democrat party. Which created the clan, and institutionalized racial segregation, which is exactly what they are advocating for.

    Yeah, the Democrat party is still making money off of slavery.

  5. Vietvet, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

    What if a group of average citizens confronted that group, calling them out for their bigotry and calls for segregation? Treating them like black people treat the white power thugs? How many of those Imbeciles would continue their rally if they started getting beer bottles thrown at them and smashed in the face with baseball bats?

  6. So if a black guy married to a white gal walked up to them and wanted to pass what with the mob do then? Send wife down the hill without him?
    There’s schooling, and then there’s the real world.

  7. They ought to identify some of the ring leaders then spend the next few years posting on their facebook site their antics for prospective employers to read. Most employers (at least the private sector and for that matter government as well) would avoid these types like the plague. As well, these types of “protests” cheapen the value of a Berkley degree. It happens bit by bit but with the competition for good jobs increasing every year these Berkley grads could find themselves missing out.

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