Is the lawyer for the illegal that killed the trucker in drunken hit and run “stupid” or “playing stupid”? – IOTW Report

Is the lawyer for the illegal that killed the trucker in drunken hit and run “stupid” or “playing stupid”?

Jason Chaffetz, filling in for Laura Ingraham, asked the lawyer for the illegal scum that drunkenly killed a trucker, and then ran, if the trucker would still be alive if we had adequate southern border security.

What followed was a session of frustration that one can only experience when having a discussion with a moron, or a leftist. But I repeat myself.


“The criminals are such a small part of the large group that you’re sort of trying to isolate,” he said. “Even with the case that you spoke about tonight, with the DUI, with the hit-and-run sort of case, the fact that he’s an immigrant has nothing to do with the actual accident. It’s a tragedy.”

But Chaffetz said he was talking about this specific crash. Wasn’t that preventable?

“That’s absolutely preposterous,” Orr said. “Because, as we all know, hit-and-runs are on the incline all over the United States.”

Chaffetz tried again.

“If that person is not here in the United States, if he’s not here in the first place, you’re telling me that he still would have committed that crime in Denver?” he asked.

Orr’s response?

“That’s a fallacy to say that if all people who are undocumented were not here, we would not have hit-and-runs,” he said.

Of course, Chaffetz said no such thing.

“…a hit-and-run is nothing specific to immigration, itself, specifically,” [said Orr.]


He can’t be this stupid, can he?




29 Comments on Is the lawyer for the illegal that killed the trucker in drunken hit and run “stupid” or “playing stupid”?

  1. OK, let me put it this way, if there were 0% illegal immigration in our country, would that alter our crime rate on citizens?
    2nd question: Who comes first (under law, don’t give me a religious argument, you always say we are a country of laws), the citizen or the illegal alien?

  2. The Law has always been clear on this…

    For instance , If You are drunk, or have a suspended or

    revoked License..You are automatically at You should

    not have been there in the first place. String em up!

  3. Always kills me that interviewers like Chaffetz go soft on these iceholes.. and of course these falsebook links don’t work if one does not have an account. I have known a few decent lawyers in my day…. very few.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. “I’m not really this stupid … but, I play one on TV.”

    typical lawyer-ese … if the question doesn’t fit your narrative, change the subject so that it fits.

    & CB is right … Chaffetz is a putz wannabe Chris Wallace … he should have noticed it & hammered him …. too many of these azzwhipes like Chaffetz on Fox already

  5. While I was stationed in Okinawa if you were involved in a car accident regardless of who was truly to blame the Non-Okinawan was automatically 80% to blame. When I asked why this was the case the answer that was given…if you weren’t here it wouldn’t have happened. Seems simple enough to apply that to the USA.

  6. I know this is way off topic but Fox just aired that 2006 OJ Simpson interview with Judith Regan and he admitted to killing his wife.

    All of it is utterly infuriating.

    For me, this case was a turning point in how I viewed every black person I knew which, at the time, was a lot. They were happy that a black person got away with killing white people.

    I could not and would not be friends with any of those people going forward.

  7. Yeah before OJ things were pretty cool, as I remember, not perfect, but cool. Then the shit hit the fan. We had the OJ riots, Maxine Waters, Obama, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin and on and on. Now we have FUBAR!. And President Trump is getting no help from anyone.

  8. Oo Oo Oo!! I get it! I get it!

    Illegal aliens have the right to be here, so ipso facto (lawyerspeak) we have to put up with a certain percentage of them committing crimes just like if they were citizens.

    (Maybe our conservative pundits, who keep falling into this irritating sort of exchange, could stop with the “if his mother hadn’t been born the crime wouldn’t have happened” sort of argument.

    They do this chickenshit feeble kind of positioning because they think it would sound mean and crude to argue that illegal aliens should all just be deported. Well, Trump that. Start with the appropriate position, which is: “Deport them all”. Then you can argue about for whom and where we could carve out limited exceptions.

  9. Moe: Exactly. People born after that event don’t realize how far back it set race relations in this country.

    Somewhere, Johnny Cochran is looking up and smiling.

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