Is the left deaf, stupid or what? – IOTW Report

Is the left deaf, stupid or what?

18 Comments on Is the left deaf, stupid or what?

  1. It is the old leftist ploy saying, “There are serious questions….” Never mind that the questions have been answered 432 times, it’s just that the answers weren’t what the left wanted them to be, so they keep asking them to give the impression that the right is avoiding the issue.

    As Mika Whatsherface said in one video, asking Trump to address the issue “…once and for all.” That is until the next time.

  2. Once indoctrinated, a Leftist clings to the indoctrination because it’s all he/she/xi has left.
    No spiritual faith. No national identity. No patriotism. No strong cultural or history or inherited ancestral traditions.

    The Indoctrination carefully eliminates all competing beliefs, traditions and values.
    Completely. It’s been very carefully and diabolically designed and refined over generations and hundreds of millions of subjects.

    The Leftist has nothing else. To even contemplate any deviation is apostasy.
    It’s why Leftists shut down completely whenever their precarious self contradictory mashup of conflicting dogma is challenged.
    The indoctrination is all they have, it’s displaced and replaced whatever might otherwise have been their core identity.

    It’s all they have, so they cling blindly.
    Bolsheviks singing praise to Stalin as their fellow Bolsheviks liquidate them.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  3. when left alone the the kkk walks around in there tighty whitey carrying tiki touches if it is dark trying to look imposing.
    the alt left will be beating on buildings cars, setting fires, and hiding behind bandannas or masks. can also show up 3,000 strong in a buss caravan. Is this the civilian army Obozo was wishing for?

  4. A person can be wrong about a number of things. When facts and new information are presented, the person who was wrongly oriented can assimilate new information and be corrected. At least they should. What we are seeing is something once only associated with adherents/victims of religious cults: When presented with facts contrary to their reality, the person remains committed to their belief. Disciples of the Alt Left have this same mind.

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