Is the right becoming complacent, apathetic, jaded, disgruntled? – IOTW Report

Is the right becoming complacent, apathetic, jaded, disgruntled?

Blogger friends are reporting sagging numbers and enthusiasm over the past several months.

Our numbers have been okay, but dipping dramatically, and understandably, leading up to Christmas. Time will tell if this report is foreshadowing an across the board trend.

This report is worrisome-

Newser: A milestone in the cable wars: MSNBC has beaten Fox News in total daytime viewers for the first time since 2000. For the week of Dec. 17-21, MSNBC averaged 1.56 million viewers between 6am and 2pm, ahead of Fox (1.54 million) and CNN (975,000), according to a release from NBCUniversal. The last time the liberal network beat its counterpart on the right in this metric was Nov. 6, 2000, just ahead of the election that would put George W. Bush in the White House. MSNBC also came out on top in the key daytime demographic of 25- to 54-year-olds for the first time since 2001, reports Politico.

In terms of prime time, MSNBC beat its competitors for the fourth straight week, with Rachel Maddow’s show No. 1 at 3.2 million viewers. Fox’s Sean Hannity was off that week, though the AP notes that his ratings have been slipping since the election. Overall, Hannity will still end 2018 as the most popular personality on cable news, a title he held last year as well. However, his show has pulled in an average 2.76 million viewers from the election through Dec. 17, a drop of 19% from the previous month. He’s also down 30% in the 25- to 54-year-old demographic.


Is the constant drumbeat atop the head of our president, the daily pig piling, the nattering nabobs of negativism succeeding?




60 Comments on Is the right becoming complacent, apathetic, jaded, disgruntled?

  1. More like disgusted with the open airing by our federal law enforcement that they exist in name only.

    The two tiered legal system being displayed this blatantly, without starting a coup, has given many pause about their country.


  2. I don’t watch TV…But I would say the unchallenged outright Voter

    Fraud and the Republican rino’s seemingly happy in second place

    has put a damper on a lot of People’s spirits….

    I mean these idiots can’t get 30 people to show up at a rally

    but yet win by a large margin…We need to see some folks in jail.

  3. When I heard Trump and his Administration bragging up their big win on “Criminal Justice Reform,” which not one Goddamned person in the entire country voted for him to spend his time, effort and political capital on, I was feeling quite a bit let down and became somewhat apathetic and questioned whether or not to even bother any longer. That and the fact that those lousy, backstabbing, two-faced, lying, deceitful shitbag establishment Republicans are still busy dry shaving the Republican base (regardless of how you define them) every chance they get and are doing it with impunity…

  4. Nothing is getting better. The ruling class really is the ruling class, and over half of my fellow Americans are either fucking morons or non-citizens staying here illegally but still voting. Fuck this shit. Nothing is gonna change this inertia, IMO. There are just too many powerful or stupid or corrupt people committed to the status quo, and it’s gonna stay that way until change that they can’t control comes to all of us, even if nobody wants it.

  5. Enthusiasm waning, tired a bit:

    Fox News is tanking badly. Sick of the anti-Trumper stuff. Tucker’s comments last month anti-Trump, and the screaming emote thing on his show and Judge Jeanine, Ingraham, etc. The faux “fair and balanced” which amounts to uniparty globalist shills being snotty, e.g. Chris Wallace, and on opinion shows, idiot liberals blathering over other speakers. So that explains that.

    As for the websites, I suspect stealth action by search engines.

    And then of course, there’s no question that we’re exhausted and disappointed that two years have gone by and no perp walks, not to mention all the votes stolen in the midterm elections.

  6. Its exhausting always defending the President. Then when he exaggerates it makes more difficult. All I ask is he use real numbers real facts and stop generalizing. You just give the press and moon bats more ammo to call him a lier.

  7. How many times can we read about “a bombshell” that is about to drop but never does? How many times can we watch Trey Gowdy make verbal mincemeat of of someone then wonder if he goes out for drinks with that person afterwards? How much information can we take in without it seeming to sound like a broken record?

    We need to stick together, but we do need to avoid information overload and burnout.

  8. Fox is tanking because of new management aka Idiot Liberal Son.

    Because a Republican is in the White House and they hold the Senate, for some reason Republicans think that means they need to play defense. Offense turns out numbers. Outrage turns out numbers and donations. Being out of power animates voters.

    You can beat an opponent with facts. What’s going on with Mueller is not that. It’s a shadow campaign of “who knows what it is?” It’s not Russian Collusion. It’s the specter hanging over everything of “what if”. Which is all it’s meant to be or will ever be. The Steele Dossier was to cast a shadow and Sessions giving Mueller free reign has allowed that shadow to hang for an entire election cycle with nothing but entrapment process crimes and prosecutions for things that no one is ever prosecuted for.

    You want to up your numbers? Blog War. Pick a target it. Polarize it. Nail a scalp to the wall. Sites like ThinkProgress and Raw Story all take money from Dem contributors. They all run wide open with lunatic Twitter feeds. As it stands now, they have a ball because they can just turn the looney tune outrage meter up to 11 with every crackpot conspiracy theory they can imagine and their base of extra chromosomal commies get to take part in the mob action.



    They know their audience.

  9. I’m amazed that the Left’s hate for Trump is unwavering after 2 years-because I’m tired of all of it. Daily I’m shocked that Trump doesn’t toss the keys to the White House on his desk and says,” Eff this sh*t.” It just seems nothing will change-no man can do it alone. The fact that the Fed Reserve is determined to kill the economy and our 401ks without a care-and no lefty I know is complaining about it because-if the economy tanks it reflects badly on Trump. Real life doesn’t impact their hate at all. They are nuts.

    I’m taking a break from talk radio and the news during the holiday. I’m only checking in here. In a way, I feel done with all of it. Events closer to home with my circle are more important than what is happening in DC. Obviously, the Deep State is going to get away with everything they did. Maybe it’s because I’m in liberal latteville and there’s no relief. The day to day news is tiring. Turning the channel to the NHL…

  10. its hard to be criticized every second
    hopefully everyone’s just taking a breather
    I did hear about Rachel Madcow doing well in ratings and that is so disgusting to me 🙁 the staunch dems dont listen to ANY opposition and you can’t tell them anything 🙁

    It’s disgusting to see POTUS picked apart everyday on Yahoo, etc., too. So tiring

  11. Hey Brad, thank you for asking.
    He seems in better spirits but we wont know anything until Friday when they check liver enzymes.
    We need the liver to stop swelling. I appreciate everyone praying for him. He’s such a gentle soul. Please be careful around pesticide/herbicides. Professional companies need to put flags out but individual homeowners do not.
    I’ll keep you updated. Again THANK YOU ALL.

  12. From Illustr8r:

    “Obviously, the Deep State is going to get away with everything they did. ”

    In a nutshell, there it is. We still hold the belief that rules matter. And we’ve been proven wrong. It’s hard to grasp the fact that your government no longer has a claim to legitimacy as they were chartered, and much harder still to realize lethal force is all that will change that.

  13. Cliche Guevara — if the the Democrats have the White House, the Senate, the House, and most state governments then the Republicans feel the need to play defense.

    If the Republicans have the White House, the Senate, the House, and most state governments then the Republicans feel the need to play defense.

    By and large Republicans are not interested in accomplishing anything. They are only interested in feeling important and being asked to the right Beltway soires. Most just talk a good game when running for office. Republicans such as Flake are just too lazy or dishonest to switch parties.

  14. …many times can we watch Trey Gowdy make verbal mincemeat of of someone then wonder if he goes out for drinks with that person afterwards?

    I don’t wonder any longer. It’s all a game to the likes of Gowdy, if it were not they would not treat it as such. The son of a bitch would put as much effort into writing up indictments as he does putting on his makeup for the next show. And if he doesn’t like what I have to say, he can suck it and so can the rest of the establishment Republicans.

  15. If none of us cared out our blood pressure rising we could have a thread of all the crap that pisses us off. How about all the libs that live in gated communities, and having armed security telling us we don’t need a wall or guns.

  16. Illustr8r–Wow! My thoughts exactly!I don’t have TV and turned off Rush. I’d rather focus on the little kids in my life and have fun with them. I’m up here in “liberal latteville”, too. But I find joy in things like the GoFundMe Wall building account. Right now, I’m going to go watch Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes. Maybe a marathon. Maybe have some rum and coke AND a marathon! Cheers everyone! Hang in there!

  17. BODF here…as a former political journalist, I can tell you what it is because we have a name for it, “midterm fatigue”…it’s merely cyclical. Numbers will juice up again in June.

  18. My take-

    I imagine people were out spending cash and on trips, rather than watching TV. People were out doing stuff. Stuff they couldn’t afford to do before Trump. Living their lives.
    Look at this year’s overall holiday spending and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s almost 50% higher than last year’s.

    The Left is ALWAYS glued to the TV because they think they’re part of hollywood. (But, not the good hollywood, you understand. North Hollywood. lol.) And they need their marching orders.

    If FOX has been trashing Trump (directly or indirectly) and if Hannity and them were on vacation or had reruns and guest hosts, then what was the point of watching?

    I did not turn on my TV but one time in the last month. I probably listened to 5 podcasts total (Dan Bongino). And even then I sped through it because I didn’t have the time. LOL.

    Listen, nothing is going to change.
    The RINOs (there are less of them in the Senate this time) will still be RINOs and the Dems will still be the same Dems we’ve been annoyed by since they were re-invented into socialists.

    Big difference is Trump is president and he can still veto.
    The House ‘dems’ have been fighting each other since Nov.
    How are they going to draft any bills as they’re fighting over social justice and green bullshit to be included in everything they draft? lol. They still have to get shit through the Senate.
    Did you know lil miss Cortex is openly fighting with her Dem teammates? She’s telling them she’s going to get them thrown out of office in ’20 to bring in some of her OWN PEOPLE! Y’all, she just GOT there, and she’s already being a prick and taking ‘me time’. It’s hilarious!

    Pelosi is going to die in 2019. Either of embarrassment, or she’s getting shanked in the hallway by one of the SJW/Greentards from the house.

    As McCain (disgrace be upon him) said, “Watch the show”. 😀

  19. More like I’m getting fired up.
    Sinema winning the Senate seat in my state really has me concerned tho, how am I going to get my state fired up too? :/

    Regardless, the more they hate us and lie and cheat and bash the President on shakey ground the more I want to vote and get others to vote with me.

  20. chuffed-beyond-words- I know what you mean.

    NV is Lib now. But that’s not because they absolutely love dems. It’s because every last republican was a rino. They all voted to raise taxes, expand medicaid, didn’t say anything when there was voter fraud, Dean Heller wanted gun control, the gov (eat a dick, Sandoval!!!) gave illegals drivers licenses, expanded their welfare payments, and the libs sat back and let the R’s take blame. So what’s the diff for 2019? Nothing.

    Let’s see if 2020 annoys NV enough to throw out the dems they put in. They’re already talking about taking guns and putting in a state income tax.

  21. OAN News is siphoning off viewers from Fox. Graham Ledger is the best and Liz Wheeler is HOT. They both defend freedom fairly effectively. However all conservative anchors on all stations avoid THE POINT, which is WHY should anyone be forced to serve another person via socialism (slavery). ANY reason is a non sequitur pulled out of someone’s butt. Conservatives and libertarians must shed their cowardice when debating. This topic must be brought to the forefront in order to defeat the left.

  22. I visit THIS site every day and multiple times every day but as for television, I turned it ALL off more than a year ago and I am HAPPIER than I have ever been. The Left does nothing but HATE and LIE and over on Fox… well I’ve seen and heard it all over and OVER again (when Hannity isn’t interrupting his guests that is). So for me, life is better when the T.V. is OFF. I do however still have the DVR set to record Hannity every day because I still want him to achieve the ratings even though I just can’t watch it anymore. Watching Cash Cab reruns however is REALLY fun and educational. The rest of it is fodder for fools.

  23. Radio: I’m of the opinion that both parties are beyond their expiration dates and have been for longer than most political parties have historically existed. Republicans since 1992 when Perot took 19% of the national vote because Bush broke his tax pledge and was more globalist than pro-America. Offering nothing but more Bushes, Doles, McCains and Romneys. The Republican Party is a private, blue nose organization and the rabble is not invited. Trump is Rodney Dangerfield at Bushwood and the caddies have taken over the pool for their one hour a year.

    Democrats went into hospice as soon as they allowed the Clintons to take over after 2000. Hillary cheating Bernie out of the nomination lit a fuse that still burns.

    Parties aside, the people are the issue now. Disaffected conservatives given no choice but to vote for Vichy Kasichs and Corkers and McCains year after year. And a leftwing Democrat base who wants a more openly socialist, anti-American party built on divisive identity politics.

    The people are going to motivate themselves because Republican Inc. prefers to come in second in a two man race and Democrat Inc. is filled with old white liberals who aren’t ready to throw themselves on the ash heap yet.

    But if the question is who is which side is animated, the Democrats are right now because they have a party that pretends to listen to them. And all of the media with 50% of Fox News on their side now.

  24. “Trump is Rodney Dangerfield at Bushwood and the caddies have taken over the pool for their one hour a year.”

    lmao! perfect analogy …. Chiche’ wins the Internet tonight!

  25. Not complacent, totally pissed off is more like it. It seems every time we send some so called “Conservative” to the the Shithole in the Potomac, they end up being a back stabbing, useless, spineless, big spending lying bag of shit.
    They all need to be stood up against an wall and shot as far as I’m concerned.

  26. People are becoming jaded as a result of the psychological warfare being waged against you by Deep State and the complicit media, online and offline.
    Americans are being deliberately driven insane; you are being gaslighted.
    Heck, I’m not sure Trump is even on your side.

  27. I’m not tired. My anger invigorates me. The left will go down….when it happens I may no longer be around, but I will enjoy it anyway. There is no good future for murderers and thieves and atheists. They are the ones who are sick of life, and they will pay for their crimes.

  28. BFH, it’s the ads. Two specific ads take over and when I blow them away, your site goes with them. Sometimes I can come back and find where I was, but often , I’m in a hurry and just give up.

    Actually, not really ads, they are full page websites.

  29. @JTucker – Hopefully you’ll see this post. Milk Thistle is an herb that has a very long history of helping with liver problems in humans and has been used for some time for treating dogs as well. My dad has pretty much been cured of cirrhosis of the liver (including his liver returning to normal size) by using milk thistle along with several other things.

    Here’s a link if you’re interested.

  30. Justice delayed is justice denied.

    With all the winning, (which is great) we still need to see some high profile people in handcuffs. Our spirits can only take so much flagrant disregard for the rule of law before we just shut it all out. I’m afraid that I have succumbed to being depressed (sometimes) at the thought of all the voter fraud, criminality and evil that has happened in the last few years.

    We need to see someone pay for what they have put this country through. And, by someone, I mean many someones.

    But I still hope. I must. If I lose hope, then I lose me.

  31. Every day I still have money and don’t have to fix a bayonet to my rifle because I ran out of ammo fighting communists is a good day. Hell even that day will see a well-serviced enemy casualty list.

    Never, ever give up.

  32. I for one have not been on the internet as much as usual this month. So much to do and so little time. Fake news, negativity and the constant “impeach” drumbeat is enough to piss off a patient person. Not that patient to begin with.

  33. Like most of the commenters here, I’ve just taken a breather from all the negativity. I haven’t lost my spirit or become jaded because I know for certain that God was behind Trump’s victory — and ours, and he doesn’t set us on a path — a mission — without giving us everything we need to fulfill it. There will be ups and downs, but mostly we’ve experienced ups. So let’s not be shortsighted about this and hang tough. Even the star players on the team need to rotate out of the field in order to rest up and restore themselves. I don’t like having my life’s energy vaporized by worrying and being angered by the Left. Keep the faith. So far as I can tell, the Left is still busy digging its own grave.

  34. I am late to this thread.
    I just don’t know what to say about all of the doom and gloom.
    Really how many of you here went out and helped out on the last election?
    We know what we are up against you have to get out and help in each and every election I shouted about it before November here on this site and on Pinko’s show. Why don’t more of you call in he wants to take it to the next level, National, he has a chance to make a difference help him out,just like Mr.Hat does here.
    I am tired and burned out about all of it too,am I going to just throw in the towel, HELL NO, Fuck Fox news they are a lost cause the writing is on the wall.
    The left never gives up why should we?
    I will finish this comment later,I am pissed off right now about some of the comments from some of the people on this site you are acting like a bunch of losers, and yes I have ruffled feathers here before.

  35. @AbigailAdams Yup. Exactly.
    I haven’t stopped my iPhone notifications so I’m alerted that certain Lefty friends on social media are worked up about sex trafficking and transgenderism today. Ya know-it’s the holidays. Can’t the politicking cease just for a short while? Guess not.

  36. ” So far as I can tell, the Left is still busy digging its own grave”

    They’ve been digging it since JFK. They’re kicking our ass. Sorry, don’t mean to be Debbie Downer but if we want to save this country it might be up to us. And the problem with that statement is it has to happen fast. We need a catalyst.

  37. It can’t be a lone wolf type of catalyst, but it doesn’t have to a million either. This is a part of the reason I’m so pissed off with our inability to prosecute the extraordinary offenses perpetrated by the deep state. We have to some sort of internal, support for information, but they can’t seem to get out of their own way. It may be too deep. Maybe it will take a million.

  38. joe6pak is my brother from another mother. If you kick that can down the road a little farther, I’m pissed at US. WTF does it take. DJT in handcuffs? What are the odds of that happening. I’m saying pretty damn good. That fucking bottom feeder Mueller is having his way. In reality, the people trying to prosecute DJT are guilty of what they are trying to prosecute him for. We all know it. WTF. I don’t think it’s even a secret for the left. They don’t care. And they sure as hell no longer fear the people. I’m more than frustrated. And I have no answers.

  39. The answers have to come from Trump and his ability to lay out the facts and to prosecute what we all know to be the reality of where this country is at. Without that we are looking for something outside of the normal courses of law and order.

  40. @Bad_Brad December 27, 2018 at 10:51 pm

    > WTF does it take. DJT in handcuffs?

    To quote the sage take-out speaker, “And den?” Not throwing it at you, @Bad_Brad. But as a “What if?” What if the “free and independent judiciary” — who will insist that it was an independent member of the “free and independent judiciary”, not all of them, they just are independently “forced” to obey — announces another overthrow of the Presidency? And the patriots, the keepers of something something might call oaths, the grumpy old men, all stagger out of their basements and mumble “No? More?” And the “free and independent judiciary” says, “Urm. OK.” What will have been achieved? “Meet the old boss. Really is the old boss.”? The show trial might back down for that. And the patriots would be happy to high-five themselves and go home.

    Of course, since they’re looking for an “excuse”, any excuse, to straighten their bowties and surrender, maybe The Party won’t back down. Just to show them who’s boss. And maybe the patriots will be patriotic. And after some kerfuffle, other members of The Party will offer the “teach them a lesson” Party spokes models an early retirement package — on the patriots’ dimes, of course — so we can “Meet the old boss. Really is the old boss.”

    Or maybe, just maybe, it will really hit the fan! And when it’s all over, the old boss will be gone. So the patriots, the keepers of something something might call oaths, the grumpy young men (the old grumpy one’s won’t make it), will introduce us to “The new boss. Same as the old boss.”

    When you agree with the choices those who call you enemy offer you, do you see why there isn’t a line forming to get some more of that this?

  41. The previous statement from anonymous should cause all future statements from anonymous to be considered as empty as the previous statement from anonymous. How can a reasonable person, that is interested in exchanging a dialogue be satisfied with being lumped into a group known as anonymous, when any Tom, Dick, or Harry is also known as anonymous?

  42. ** cause all future statements from anonymous to be considered as empty **

    I stopped reading any horseshit a coward named anonymous posts. If they can’t pick a moniker and stick with… Losers all

  43. Except for a few commentators there, FOX deserves to be beaten.

    I think most people have begun to accept the reality I recognized on election night; Trump has bought us time. He can do battle for us from his position, along with a very few – too few – supporters in place to be effective. A lot of the rest of it is up to us in our own daily sphere of influence, spending choices and grit to reject in your face bs. And maybe that quiet, holiday-induced or not, is a symptom of people turning their time, attention and energies to what we can affect. I read here every day also, along with a limited number of other sites but rarely engage anymore because of time restraints. No TV. Radio has been cut way back for obvious reasons. I too go for the occasional Dan Bongino podcast, but I have become very selective on what I invite into my own world. Make no mistatke – I’m paying attention, but sick of feeding the big tech beasts as well. Let them Kardashian themselves away.


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