(CNSNews.com) –
Air Force Warns It Is Short 1,926 Pilots
The U.S. Air Force is being stretched to the limit, with budget constraints and a growing pilot shortage, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein told a news briefing on Thursday.
“The fiscal year ’18 continuing resolution is actually delaying our efforts to increase the readiness of the force,” Wilson said. “And risk accumulates over time, and you just don’t know exactly when things will break. But we are stretching the force to the limit, and we need to start turning the corner on readiness.”

Wilson said restoring readiness means lifting sequestration and hiring more people:
Last summer, we were reporting to people that we were about 1,500…pilots short in the Air Force, and we expected it to get worse.
As the fiscal year closed, we assessed where we were with respect to pilots. And I’m announcing today that, at the close of the last fiscal year, we were 1,926 pilots short. So almost…2,000 pilots short of a force that has 20,000 pilots. So that’s one in 10 that we’re short.
It’s not just pilots, though, and air crew, when it comes to readiness. It is spare parts and flying hours and munitions. So increasing the readiness of the force so that we win any fight, any time, is our top priority.

Wilson said burnout is one reason for the pilot shortage: “We are too small for all the missions that we’re beings asked to carry out on behalf of the nation,” she said. “And as a result, we’re burning out our people.” read more
SNIP: Thanks, 0bama.
Does being a member of The Mile High Club count?
The process for becoming a military pilot is ridiculously long and inefficient. You can wait six months waiting for someone to schedule the next test requirement for qualification.
John McCain is such a patriot and know-it-all, maybe he should volunteer to go in and destroy another multi-million dollar jet fighter.
In WW2 we developed a training program that turned farm boys into pilots in 90 days. Sometimes less.
Those guys had to master true stick and rudder flying, paper map navigation, and every other skill. No computers, no avionics, no electronics we take for granted today.
That’s funny… the Arm-Chair Force turned away 2 people I know who scored in the high 80’s on the test due to wearing eye glasses.
Granted they were going enlisted and not officer but the article said they needed crew.
Beggars can’t be choosers right?
I can swear I heard in the
past few years that the pilots
were leaving because of the
massive cutbacks in flying
and training hours. I’m sure
the PC/feminist/gay crap was
part of it also.
@Czar of Defenestration: Not if it was a solo flight.
Barry caused a lot of problems, but the current AG finds he is not willing to prosecute, Time to send Jeffy back to the sticks. The drone needs to be replaced by a worker bee!
I have about twenty minutes of stick time in the F15, but that was during a much more sensible period in our history.
(Ronaldus Magnus)
Oblowme’s pro gay and pro feminization of the Services are the main reasons pilots do not stay. The least competent officers rose thru the flag ranks. Competent, masculine, competitive, and principled men were passed over for promotion. Not a wise move when airlines are short of pilots.
VietVet…now, cut that OUT…BAD boy!!!
I’ll be there Monday. Can I fly Raptors?
I can fly an airplane.
If someone else takes off and lands it.
I’ll go back in only they let me fly the A 10.
H2B visa time! Bring in foreign workers from 3rd world countries to do the jobs Americans won’t do!
Don’t forget Russell Cates!
I can fly, but I can’t land. I guess I’m more suited to Al Qaeda.
I can give advice as a former submarine pilot.
Planes don’t belong in the water.
Single engine Grumman Tiger
Turn the drones over to senior enlisted or warrant officers and the Air Force would have a surplus of pilots.
And a lot fewer pilots leaving the service. What pilot wants to do 3 year tours babysitting a video screen?