Is There Anything the Genius Barack Obama Can’t Do? – IOTW Report

Is There Anything the Genius Barack Obama Can’t Do?

Obama made 2 origami cranes during his visit to Japan, which were donated to a museum so that we could all be impressed by its magnificence.

I also made an origami and lent it to a museum. —–> origami


23 Comments on Is There Anything the Genius Barack Obama Can’t Do?

  1. imagine reagan doing this shit

    i used to complain about his golf rounds (now 270 and counting), now wish he would stay on the course where the world is safe from his idiocy

    what a humiliating embarrassment

  2. A shame and an embarrassment that America will NEVER live down.

    If America survives, “Obola” will carry the same connotation as “Quisling” or “Benedict Arnold.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I made my first origami crane when I was in fifth grade. Little did I know that, at the age of ten, I had the skills necessary to become the president.

  4. Is There Anything the Genius Barack Obama Can’t Do?

    Ummmmm. . . let’s see. . . ..
    He stopped the rise of the oceans, and the rise in Globull Warming. . . (/sarc)
    But he couldn’t help the economy to improve (real figures, not Gooberment figures)

  5. Problem I see with calling him a dick is that the phallus is life giving/making in cooperation with God. We’ve got to find another word to describe “dicks.”

  6. Is There Anything the Genius Barack Obama Can’t Do?

    Honor the Oath of Office he swore to with a Quran.
    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

  7. @PJ:
    What’s this, I just had to verify that I was human. Twice.

    Hope the DOJ doesn’t get wind of this affront by this website. There should be no requirement to show you’re human. It’s discrimination, I say!

  8. I fold an original origami jelly fish every time I sit on my throne.
    Then I donate it to be housed in the Septic Tank, after being used to wipe the Barrack off my big ol’ white butt.

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