Is There Political Correctness On The Right? – IOTW Report

Is There Political Correctness On The Right?

Jim Geraghty makes the argument that the right doesn’t punish or seek to harm those they disagree with, unlike the left which constantly goes after people, financially, for having a different opinion and expressing it.


Could there ever be political correctness on the right? 

I ask myself if I would want to see an abortion advocate or a promoter of socialism fired, or denied work, and I have to honestly answer yes.

13 Comments on Is There Political Correctness On The Right?

  1. I wouldn’t fire or deny work to someone who holds opinions I am diametrically opposed too. I’d judge their employability based on talent, effort and result.

    But I don’t shed tears when they come to a bump in their career roads.

  2. “I ask myself if I would want to see an abortion advocate or a promoter of socialism fired, or denied work, and I have to honestly answer yes.”

    And just HOW in any way would that be “political correctness”?

    PC is a technique to make certain TOPICS – and, at an extreme cases, THOUGHTS – “verboten” for public discussion.

  3. During the Primary Season, anyone on this website who was so politically incorrect as to expressed any doubts about the wonderfulness of Trump! was excoriated as a NeverTrumpster and a cuckservative.

  4. @Jeremiah tNP — Wrong. I still have the burn marks showing otherwise. (maybe you’re thinking of AFTER the primaries — but even then there were some of the most disgusting slanders made against Trump voters)

  5. @Jeremiah the Non-Profit – and that’s free speech and no one was “punished or harmed” in the process. Your comment now to the contrary proves my point, otherwise you would have been banned like certain Conservatives on Twitter..

  6. Abigail, how is Jeremiah wrong? I was flamed and insulted for saying that Trump was the lesser of two evils, for decided to vote for Trump because he will do less damage to our Founding Principles than Hillary would.

    Jimmy, you are correct; being flamed, insulted, having ones posts deleted, and being banned from a website is not the same as being “punished or harmed.”

  7. Political Correctness is nothing more then Cultural Marxism invented as a tool to create Intellectual Conformity which is the goal of Intellectual Authoritarians.

    The Right of all members of society to form their own beliefs and communicate them freely is an essential principle of a democratically organized society. The 1st amendment is first for a reason, the 2nd to assure we maintain the 1st and all the others in or bill of rights.

  8. Jagpald !!

    “Political Correctness is nothing more then Cultural Marxism invented as a tool to create Intellectual Conformity which is the goal of Intellectual Authoritarians.”

    Says it all right there!

  9. The right need not institute its own political correctness. The right need only to withdraw government funds from the left. Since the majority of leftists feed at the government trough (forcing the rest of us to fund them by the point of a gun) it is the MORAL position to take. Once defunded they have three choices: 1) become productive 2) become criminals 3) commit suicide. Any of the three will do.

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