Is There Something Wrong With the Boeing 737 Max 8? – IOTW Report

Is There Something Wrong With the Boeing 737 Max 8?

As of today, China, Indonesia and Ethiopia have all grounded their fleets of 737 Max 8 airliners by Boeing.  The moves come after the second crash of the model in the last five months, the most recent being an Ethiopia Airline going down yesterday, claiming all 157 aboard the flight. More

The previous crash was a Lion Air flight that went down in October off the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. “The Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee indicated that Lion Air flight 610 experienced “erroneous input” from one of its sensors designed to alert pilots if the aeroplane is at risk of stalling.” More

The 737 Max is a major seller for Boeing, who has a reported 5,111 aircraft ordered by 78 identified customers, including Southwest and American airlines who released statements of confidence in the aircraft.

Shares in Boeing were down 11 percent this morning while rival Airbus up half a percent. More


29 Comments on Is There Something Wrong With the Boeing 737 Max 8?

  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez don’t want no more stinkin’ planes in the sky; no more stinkin’ cars either. She’s on a roll.

    .45-70 Now that’s racist. Whaddayoumean? You questioning Affirmative Action?

  2. Nope.
    Incompetent pilots.
    It’s a wonder planes don’t fall from the sky on a daily basis.
    Rookie Ethiopian pirate, er, pilot only required 200 hours flight time to fly.
    In the USA 1500 hours is required, among other certification.

    This newer plane has engines that can force the nose up, Boeing addressed this already.

    That said, better make sure alluha akbar wasn’t heard on the cockpit recorder, when they pry it from some dead Ethiopian UN adviser’s ass.

  3. Just sayen, apparently if this plane approaches stall speed, it automatically set the rudders to nose down. Just shit I heard today from experienced and current Commercial pilots. They don’t want to fly it.

  4. The person who yanked Brad’s chain by signing in as Cowgirl Bob knows a thing or two about airplanes. The Max8 has automated controls near the stall speed. Cowgirl Bob wouldn’t like automated controls in that phase of flight. Just sayin.

  5. Non Western cultures also have a problem with speech mitigation within crews. For instance, an American co-pilot would shout pull up and then take the controls to avoid disaster. Other cultures work like this:

    “Dear honorable chief pilot, please adjust your elevation if you think it is appropriate to do so. Your orders will be awaited for our lowly action. We are grateful to have such a …. ” BLAMMO

  6. One of the witness reports I read today said the plane was smoking from the back end of the plane and that before the plane hit the ground luggage was falling out, on fire. I wasn’t there, I don’t know.

  7. Kali Refugee in Texas

    After listening to what I referenced, for starters, I think they have a problem. Could be wrong. I won’t fly anyway. Can’t bring my shooter. Are you willing to fly one of these planes?

  8. Gut instinct says to question accidents from two muslim countries. Did cockpit voice recorders reveal a couple ‘allah akbars’ before pilot aimed at the ground?

  9. Wasn’t there a story a few months back about automated controls overriding pilot control causing several landing accidents? A situation easily handled by an experienced pilot, but also a situation where pilots frequently made the wrong adjustment. As I recall, maybe incorrectly , it was something to do with landing the aircraft in strong cross wind, and sensors detecting a difference in rotation speed of the landing wheels on port & starboard sides exceeding a set time window would trigger the automated controls to take over. Airbus maybe. I think they reported the problem was corrected by changing the programmed control loop, not by disabling it & leaving the pilot to make the correct adjustment.

  10. Boeing engineers being at fault and allowing defective product out the door, almost incalculable odds. Having a prior accident and not learning or fixing anything, just about impossible.

  11. @Walpergis
    The amazon cargo plane that crashed was a Boeing 767. It went down very near me. First responders reported virtually no fuel in the water at the crash site. It was on approach to Bush Intercontinental Airport. They often load the minimum amount of fuel so more cargo can be loaded. I think someone misunderestimated.

  12. Just another story where one poster gets to badger and bully every other poster. Brad, why don’t you just host your very own site so you can always have your way? Just sayen, as you so eloquently put it.

  13. Grew up flying in Beechcraft Bonanzas and Cessna 180. When hitting turbulence the planes would bounce around quite a bit. When I flew home from California I was in a 707 and hit turbulence over the Rockies. Looking out the window and seeing the wings flapping like a bird (I know they’re designed to flex) was unsettling for me. First and only time I flew commercial.

  14. HMMMM two THIRD WORLD MUSLIM Countries have crashes involving state of the art Aircraft. Lots of possibilities there Pilot error, for one pilots not being familiar enough with the Aircraft to recognize a problem before it gets fatal. Pilots losingit when the Aircraft fail to respond as they thought it should and on and on and on

  15. We don’t know yet what was responsible. Could be a combination of things. Could be software/pilot error. Could be. But Industrial Sabotage is also a possibility. I find it odd that the Chinese, who don’t give a whit about loss of life, have lept forward to ground the plane… at a time when they have some heartburn with Trump and Boeing and Trade. And the Chinese reportedly have a hardware back door into aircraft electronics.

    I think we’ll have to wait on the investigation. There are roughly 350 MAX in service.

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