Is This a Squirrel? Obama Not Wearing Wedding Ring – IOTW Report

Is This a Squirrel? Obama Not Wearing Wedding Ring


President Barack Obama’s wedding ring was “noticeably missing” from his left hand on Sunday, according to a White House pool report.

President Barack Obama on Friday, July 31 / AP

Obama, who was at Camp David in Maryland on Sunday, arrived back at the White House and was photographed by the Associated Press without a ring on his hand. He was playing golf earlier in the day to celebrate his birthday, which comes this Tuesday.

Obama’s ring, however, was off his finger long before he stepped on the course. He was photographed on Friday signing highway funding legislation and was not wearing his ring.


25 Comments on Is This a Squirrel? Obama Not Wearing Wedding Ring

  1. Of course, they’ve sent it out to be cleaned, again . . .
    Mrs. Mxyzptlk & I have been married for 42 years and never had to have our rings cleaned.
    Of course, maybe I haven’t had my fingers where 0bammy has had his.

  2. I haven’t worn one in 20 years. 1.) I’d be stupid and try to wrench something with it on. 2.) I got smarter and would take it off before wrenching, then lose it, leading to a panicked search.

    Next the old lady grew so her’s didn’t fit anymore, we sold them for scrap at the height of gold prices.

  3. Most likely it’s in the Ayotallah’s butt—Obama gave him a good “islamic” fingering at the expense of America recently.

    It wasn’t a real wedding ring anyway. When he and mike got “married” sodo “marriage” wasn’t legal.

  4. Obama Not Wearing Wedding Ring

    That’s because he’s not really married! You know how twice he has taken the oath of office in front of the people and then taken another, completely different oath in private?

    Same as his “wedding” vows. He said, “I do,” to Mooshell and then said, “I don’t” in front of the annulment judge the same day.


  5. Wearing a ring as paper pusher or playing golf is no problem.
    But working guys, construction, laborers, farm hands, machine operators, etc. should not wear rings. I know of a Volunteer Fireman, he jumped off the truck as it was pulling away, but his ring got snagged on a rivet. Gory.

    But as for Barry. Was it some kind of muslim holiday? Or did he have to get it repaired again?

  6. I used to wear my wedding ring when I worked at a service station. My wife actually got angry when removed it one day. Then I gave her two stories I found. Both were from wives who demanded their husbands wear their wedding rings even at work. One was a construction worker and got his ring caught on a nail as he fell. As the wife said in her story, he can’t wear his wedding ring now because he has no ring finger. The widow demanded her now deceased electrician husband wear his and he got electrocuted. Needless to say, my wife was more than happy that I took off my ring while at work.

    Unfortunately, like the dope she is, she wanted the ring to be a surprise. No, I don’t know why so don’t ask. So instead of doing the smart thing like having my finger size determined and buying a ring that fit, she just bought the ring she liked and it was snug when we got married. I’ve put on weight and it has never fit. Haven’t worn it in 25 years. What a dope.

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