Is This One of the Shooters? Syed R. Farook – IOTW Report

Is This One of the Shooters? Syed R. Farook


UPDATE: I’m happy that I put question marks and used the words allegedly in the initial reports. This picture appears not to be the shooter, and the name Tayyeep Bin Ardogan is completely off the mark.

I’m also happy that my early theory was that this was a husband and wife team and that there was no 3rd person on the loose.


Fox Phoenix posted this pic as the Person of Interest.

He looks Irish.

The latest is that this is a two person crime. Syed R. Farook is one name. His brother is allegedly the second shooter. Syed is supposedly dead. (Could the dead woman be his wife?) (Dead woman, allegedly Tayyeep Bin Ardogan, is from Qatar.)

I’m still going with the theory that this was a 2 person operation, a husband and wife team. There is no brother. There is no person on the loose. Husband and wife team, they are both dead.

Syed, a health inspector, allegedly shot up a health department Christmas party.

Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 10.51.41 PM

HT/ ReddeCaesari

Wash Times-

According to the New York Daily News, Mr. Farook’s father, whom the paper did not name, confirmed in an interview that his son inspected restaurants and hotels for health violations, and was married with a child.

He also identified his son as “very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”


A neighbor of Farook, Farook being new to the neighborhood, said that he would get many packages delivered during the day and then work late into the night in his garage with several other middle-eastern men.


UPDATE: There is a report of a loud explosion inside Farook’s apartment. Perhaps a controlled explosion by robotic arm. Update: The boom was a ‘water shotgun’ used to “disrupt” possible explosive devices.

I was sure it was just party favors, maybe a helium tank for balloons that suddenly ruptured? Balloons Farook was going to fill and bring to the Christmas party.


32 Comments on Is This One of the Shooters? Syed R. Farook

  1. Well shit. Here we go. Gotta wonder how reliable any of this is so early on, and with an active chase apparently still in progress.

    But with all of that said, if this was a muzzie hit in any way, it is an entirely different can of fucking worms.

    I would still remind people how unreliable news reports are this early into an event of this magnitude. Very often most of what we hear in the first 24 hours turns out to be pure bullshit and almost completely wrong.

  2. And McVeigh was in 1995.

    That’s some pretty old shit.

    And he wasn’t Republican, he was anti-Fed. He was pissed about Ruby Ridge. Because Clinton was President doesn’t make McVeigh one of us.

    And he had his trial, which resulted in his taking a federal dirt nap since 2001.

    Let’s see that happen again now.

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