Is This Part of God’s Plan, For Humans To Improve Humans Genetically? – IOTW Report

Is This Part of God’s Plan, For Humans To Improve Humans Genetically?

Can one say, emphatically, that this isn’t part of God’s plan for us?

First Human Embryos Edited in U.S.

Researchers have demonstrated they can efficiently improve the DNA of human embryos.


The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon, Technology Review has learned.

The effort, led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University, involved changing the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos with the gene-editing technique CRISPR, according to people familiar with the scientific results.

Until now, American scientists have watched with a combination of awe, envy, and some alarm as scientists elsewhere were first to explore the controversial practice. To date, three previous reports of editing human embryos were all published by scientists in China.

Now Mitalipov is believed to have broken new ground both in the number of embryos experimented upon and by demonstrating that it is possible to safely and efficiently correct defective genes that cause inherited diseases.

Although none of the embryos were allowed to develop for more than a few days—and there was never any intention of implanting them into a womb—the experiments are a milestone on what may prove to be an inevitable journey toward the birth of the first genetically modified humans.

In altering the DNA code of human embryos, the objective of scientists is to show that they can eradicate or correct genes that cause inherited disease, like the blood condition beta-thalassemia. The process is termed “germline engineering” because any genetically modified child would then pass the changes on to subsequent generations via their own germ cells—the egg and sperm.


h/t soul searching

28 Comments on Is This Part of God’s Plan, For Humans To Improve Humans Genetically?

  1. The ultimate goal of all this is to make Man himself a better being when no man, in his flesh, can be improved or excused before God. Our naural status before Him is one of irredeemable failure and unrighteousness due to sin and so flesh profits nothing.

    Rather, we must be crucified with Christ, via the saving Gospel of grace, to walk in newness of life by His spirit. That’s what the Word says is the only way and Our only hope.

    So no, this is not His will. It is satanic.

  2. YHVH created DNA. Some “scientists” claim they have “corrected” problems in DNA yet that DNA has not seen its final state after decades of human development (his experiment hasn’t been taken to fruition). The ultimate human fault is shown here in that a mortal, “human”, “scientist” wants to pretend that he’s God.

    I saw an article several months ago with a “scientist” lamenting that although he thought that science had discovered more than 90% of the information contained in DNA (based on a “scientific consensus”). It turned out that after trying to unsuccessfully recreate DNA “molecule by molecule”, he decided that “science” had not even “scratched the surface” at this point and that the reality is that less than the “knowledge” of human DNA is actually less than 1%.

    It is the height of human hubris that man thinks he can “correct” God’s creation! While there have been many wonderful advances in modern “medicine” including the science behind DNA, I personally don’t think that man’s capacity of knowledge even comes close to that of God’s and they are messing with things they truly don’t have the capacity to understand even at the most basic level despite their bravado.

  3. If one reads Genesis with a serious understanding that it is history chapter 6 clearly warns of the dangers of altering human DNA for purposes beyond God’s intent.

    It also predicts this scenario as another sign or symptom of the coming reconciliation of God with/to His creation.

    It’s hard for us humans to understand what’s medical and what’s tampering? What’s progress toward efficient treatment and just down right genetic manipulation to make humanity a chimera?

    I know that’s beyond my pay grade but I also know that God will not allow His creation to be mocked nor destroyed.

  4. Sometimes I wonder if we’re just a necessary step in the development of the ultimate life form – intelligent machines. Or maybe a combination of man and machine. We seem to be on that path already.

  5. For the benefit of the few, mankind will again be distorted and placed in peril.

    John 10:10
    The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

    Freewill does not mean that everything mankind chooses to do is the Will of God.

    Recreating/altering DNA will not create an abundant life, but an abomination that could forever change creation and mankind to its eventual destruction.

  6. This brought to us from the same tradition that practiced medicine with leeches, lobotomy and currently butchers people with transgender surgery. The possibility for terrible mistakes and abuses are endless.
    I read several years ago that some genetic predispositions are there to prevent a worse malady. That if a gene is altered it could cause other undesirable changes. We don’t know anymore than what they are telling us.

  7. “This could mean that if there is such a thing as a gay gene, it could be corrected out of existence.”

    Or implanted.

    There’s reportedly goats that have spider genes and animals that don’t naturally glow in the dark but now do, because of implanted genes, making them chimeras.

    If there were a homosexual gene (there isn’t), no doubt there’d be a movement among the more insane of the Left volunteering their children to have it spliced in. I dare anyone to tell me it couldn’t happen.

  8. The ultimate in virtue signalling: sacrificing your child to the fires of Sodom by altering their very genetic structure just so you can post a “look what I did!” on FB.

    There’s a sci-fi horror novel here.

  9. The very reason God became human in Jesus was to demonstrate His control over and creation of DNA/humanity.

    Jesus’ sacrifice by His death was the means through which God chose to save humanity.

    I don’t want to create a discussion where scoffers and believers tussle – but the whole of human history is riding on the question of whether or not we are created or randomly occurring – defined by a power beyond ourselves or self-defining.

    The more educated I become, the more experienced I become, the more reasonable I become – the more I see the Hand of God in things great and small. You may not believe in God but He believes in you and wants a relationship with you.

    So it goes back to tinkering with a 57 Chevy by putting a Ford motor in it – when does it stop being a Chevy? When does a human, stop being a human and become a hybrid?

  10. The Bible says there will come a time when when people will be so miserable they will be trying to kill themselves in large numbers, but they can’t die. I thought this might be referring to the nano-bots that are being created that can be swallowed or implanted in humans that fix ailments, but maybe screwing with the DNA is what happens.

  11. The religious aspect aside, if genetic engineering can be used successfully to end a host of genetically triggered problems allowing people to live longer, better lives I’m completely on board with it. Of course most won’t be able to afford it, but things of value have always been that way.

  12. To paraphrase Jurassic Park,

    The scientists were so obsessed with whether they could, they never considered whether they should.

    The CERN large hadron collider also comes to mind. If you don’t know about that, check it out on YT. It’s another example of ignoring possible consequences to tampering with powerful forces – in this case, dark matter, other dimensions, etc.

  13. Using as a premise the proposition that humans and all our attributes especially including complex brains with associated self-aware consciousness and free will are a creation of God, then it follows that if He gave us the capability to improve ourselves genetically we are free to do just that. Where we might get into trouble is in what we believe “improve” means. Some gene mods may well be truly evil in the theological sense, and some gene mods may well be a blessing that God made possible when He created us.

  14. Plus the scientists probably know very little about what they can mess up. They are telling us about the wonderful possibilities and won’t admit or don’t know what all the downsides are. It is not like prescribing a new pill. It is about changing everything about a person.

  15. Mary Shelley pretty much covered this in her novel 200 years ago.

    Whatever can go wrong, inevitably will.

    Weaponizing DNA is just the start.

    Once a Perfect Strain is established (and patented) the Agenda 21 “Great Depopulation ” can begin.

    Rule#1 of Zombieland: “CARDIO”.

  16. Gee. And here I was with a major moral dilemma trying to decide if it was acceptable or sacrilegious to replace the iconic silver metal volume/tone controls on my Telecaster with the numbered plastic ones that are found on Stratocasters.

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