Is This Plant Fooling Anyone? – IOTW Report

Is This Plant Fooling Anyone?

You can smell the desperation coming out of the Clinton camp. Or is that the smelly ass of the filthy lefty they planted at a Trump rally?

During the “USA” chant, this dirty looking actor pointed at the press and chanted “Jew- S -A” instead.


Yeah, I believe this is a Trump supporter. I also believe Chelsea is smoking hot.

Jack Tapper presented the video to Kellyanne Conway and demanded an explanation. I would have laughed and asked who’s nephew it was, his or Diane Sawyer’s.

Dirtbag can be seen HERE.

ht/ Billy Fuster

24 Comments on Is This Plant Fooling Anyone?

  1. Send this shit to that Faggot Super Mex. Goid on you for being way Freaken smarter than them BFH. I’ve been pissed and biting my tongue all day. But I guess as long as it plays into you’re narrative. That Super Mex mutha fucker is like Hanoi Jane. Tokyo Rose. God I want to meet him. Fucking dick.

  2. I’m sorry I clicked on that cnn link, it locked up my computer until I shut off the feed. They just moved up a few notches on my shit list.

    It’s pretty easy to tell a leftist, just ask them what they think about Israel.

  3. Charlie He was yelling Jew S A but no one was paying attention to him. Jake Trapper managed to use the adjectives, anti-Semite,Homophobe, and misagionist, in one sentence to describe Trump supporters. Kellyanne Conway put him down for the phony bastard that he is. He should be jacked up for it.

  4. I want to see video of some other plant. Screaming:

    I love Jews! I love queers! I love Muslims!
    I just want to see Hillary hanging from a noose!

    It’s got a “man bites dog” theme. It’s got video. It’s got deplorable conduct at a Trump rally. I’m just not sure it would meet respectable media’s “standards and practices.”

  5. Media “standards of practice” are deplorable. But the scumbags in the media are being called to task day by day.
    I can’t wait for CRTV with Levin, Steyn, and Malkin, on board next month.

  6. Went to a twitchy link on this story. Apparently an actual Trump supporter and definitely saying Jew-S-A because he says he was right afterwards, although I didn’t replay that part to get his exact words on why.

    More importantly, when the video was done, the youtube player had several suggestions for other videos to watch. One titled “Most insane news interview ever!”

    Anyone remember Kai, the hatchet wielding hitch hiker? I just had to take a quick trip down memory lane with him. lol

  7. If someone had discretely followed this Astroturf Assturd back to his broken-down rusted-out shitbox of a car after the rally, they would have seen out-of-state plates and the entire back end of the Prious or Subaru festooned with far left stickers such as “COEXIST” and Save The Bales and a Hillary 2016 sticker plastered over a Bernie 2016 sticker and an Obama Biden 2012 sticker under that and a Obama Hope & Change 2008 sticker under that and a Kerry / Edwards 2004 sticker under that and a Gore 2000 sticker under that and a Clinton Crime Family 1996 stciker under that and a Clinton Crime Family 1992 sticker under that and 1988 Dukakis sticker under that and 1984 Mondale Don’t Fuck My Daughter sticker under that and a 1980 Carter sticker under that…..

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