Is This Racist? – IOTW Report

Is This Racist?

I know the temptation to pile on is alluring, but is this a standard we want to set?

I would like nothing more than to see Bill Maher suffer at the altar of progressive group think, but I have to admit this would have went right by me had it not be pointed out to me that it was “racist.”

22 Comments on Is This Racist?

  1. Let’s see some black guys and white guy jokes. Or black guys wondering where the white wimmin at. I can’t believe what a nation of pussies we are. We get our feelings hurt so easily.

  2. Sneeringly racist. If the guy had been Chinese and Bill said, “oh, down by the dry cleaners” or if the guy was Hispanic and bill said, “oh, down by the taco trucks”.

    Would Maher have reacted if the roles were reversed and Hurd said. “oh, down by the kosher delis”.

    blah blah blah….

    I’m just gonna’ keep firing rounds into the air until we figure out which direction to point our collective barrels.

  3. YES, PILE ON!!!

    It’s not like he’s proposed – and can enact – legislation to allow the murder of babies about to be – and just (!) – born.

    F*cking loudmouth, trash talking Leftist. SCR*W ‘IM!

  4. “…….errodes trust in our institutions”? HUH! The “institutions” stomped on their public’s trust and killed it, long ago.

    However, during the obamination reign they dug a huge hole, tossed public trust in, and peed on it before throwing dirt over it.

    If that asswipe thinks Americans have trust in our intelligence ‘institutions’, he should be quickly placed in a mental institution or incarcerated.

    He uses the word “institution” to lend credibility to the criminals who ruined our intelligence agencies.

  5. This is why the left should be despised. It’s not so much about race as it is about hatred for people the left consider their enemies or inferior, like this RINO hack who happens to be black.
    Bill Maher is just being a rat bastard as always, especially when he’s “interviewing” someone on the right.


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