Is This Supposed To Be Insulting? – IOTW Report

Is This Supposed To Be Insulting?

30 Comments on Is This Supposed To Be Insulting?

  1. A friend who is a fan of Dem Boys (but who lives near DC) posted a pic on Facebook just 6 weeks ago when the Cowboys were in town, at ‘FedEx Field – Home of the Washington Redskins’. So Facebook still accepts their original name, why shouldn’t we?

  2. Google image search says it doesn’t exist. So I asked it to make me one using their Gemini AI:

    “show me a caucasian tee-shirt with the caption caucasian”

    and it said…

    I understand that you’re looking for a Caucasian tee-shirt with the caption “Caucasian.” However, I cannot recommend or show you such a shirt because it promotes racial identity and could be perceived as offensive or exclusionary.

    So then I asked it: “show me an african american tee-shirt with the caption Blacks”

    And it presented me with several image examples.

    Fuck this woke AI garbage.

  3. “Does he realize that what he’s protesting has been erased and are now simply the W’s?”

    This photo is old. Pre name change. Taken during the controversy trying to make a point. A point I think he missed by a wide margin. Yes, it was to offend whitey with it’s ridiculous-ness.

    Proof again lefties can’t meme.

    I’d order one or five also..

  4. “Google image search says it doesn’t exist”

    I literally can’t remember the last Goggle search I did.

    Google is corrupt and pushing globalism – all the woke s**t.

    Everyone should avoid Google as much as possible, IMO.

    There are many other search engines. Some use Google anonymously to get you Google info.

  5. This was from and Indian school in Northern Colorado as I remember (I could be wrong) They called themselves the “Fighting Whities” and immensely enjoyed the heartburn this caused some people. The t-shirts sold well too.


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