Is this sweet, or does it bring you to anger?? – IOTW Report

Is this sweet, or does it bring you to anger??

Do you think they wanted to live to 93 and 96, apart?

Some people belong UNDER hell.

37 Comments on Is this sweet, or does it bring you to anger??

  1. Horrifying elder abuse, that couple should never have been seperated and their family should have fought like hell to keep them together. People have got to stand up against this crap, it will never end otherwise.

  2. The weren’t separated by the virus – they were separated by gullible, stupid, useless, evil maggoty humans who did not afford them their God-given rights and their Constitutionally guaranteed Liberties.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m beginning to really hate nurses and doctors. They are no longer hc professionals, they’re ideologues.
    They’re causing so much damage so their facility can make more money off covid related crap.

  4. @ Tim – FJB NOVEMBER 28, 2021 AT 11:39 AM

    Subhuman pieces of shit, megalomaniacal Goddamned subhuman pieces of shit. You also know them as the progressive movement.

    Once I figured out that to concede good intentions to the worthless motherfuckers is a trapwhat they truly are, what they aspire to, became obvious.

  5. As someone else commented… I’m paraphrasing…
    Here we are obsessing and holding our Ancestors accountable for what they might have done before we were born, rather than holding people accountable for the evil stuff they are currently doing.

    AND I HATE the music they added. A lovely scene ruined by someone else’s crappy thumbprint because they HAD to inject themselves into it. ugh!

  6. @Larry. Because those virus boosting “vaxxcines” worked so well to stop the spread.

    I don’t buy Larry the liberals act. It’s probably Brad’s alternate personality.😂

  7. My mom and dad were married for 65 and a half years (my dad was 89 and my mom was 93) and both passed away in 2018. In a way I’m glad that they were gone before all this COVID bs started, since my mom had severe dementia and would’ve been institutionalized if she had lived and my dad had severe COPD from far too many years of smoking cigarettes and I probably would’ve ended up caring for him and we both would’ve been isolated because of all the COVID restrictions. I don’t wish nearly the last 2 years on anyone and especially the vulnerable and sick elderly, it sucks.

  8. So, because you took a vaccination that doesn’t work you want to force me to take the vaccination that you took that doesn’t work so that the vaccination that you took that doesn’t work will work. I have so much fun with this and I got here at IOTW first.

  9. All I wanted to do was say goodbye to my mother one last time and I was denied that opportunity. I will forever despise those involved. I hope they burn in hell. And to the doctor who wanted to perform a hip replacement on a 98 year old woman – GO FUCK YOURSELF – GO BACK TO IRAN WHERE YOU CAME FROM and may one of your fellow countrymen blow your head off.

  10. A sweet, vulnerable senior couple who have together endured sorrowful and joyful experiences in life, separated for months by mandates created by tyrannical Covidian progressive elites – pure evil. Simply heartless.

    God will hold everyone accountable who are responsible for this forced separation and imprisonment of such a wonderful couple.

    It’s because of God’s mercy and grace they survived.
    Especially if they’ve been vaccinated, then it’s a miracle they’re alive!

  11. Do not leave the irresponsible media out of this.

    My Mom was old, but functional to a degree. I scheduled a trip from Virginia to Nevada to visit.

    At the last minute she asked me to cancel the trip out of fear. Not that I would bring the Wuhan Red Chinese death to her. Nope. She was afraid that I would return home and give the Wuhan Red Chinese death to my wife.

    That’s the fault of the media. It was an irrational fear brought on by the media.

    I did eventually get out there but she was barely cognizant of my visit. She died not long after. But we didn’t have the quality time between mother and son that we cherished.


  12. To avoid this kind of outside control over my life, my options on a cancer diagnosis just might be: care home or learning to fly a helicopter or para-motor.

    Not leaning towards putting my life in the hands of a home like that! Anything else is better.

  13. Larry The Liberal – no one respects the opinion of a Monday morning quarterback -especially your tired old ass.
    Was Trump supposed to be clairvoyant as well?
    You boy joe can’t keep from tying his shoelaces together.

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