Is This the New Game? – IOTW Report

Is This the New Game?

Walking into random homes uninvited. This might not be the jovial prank they think it is.

50 Comments on Is This the New Game?

  1. Try that shit in Texas.

    And what makes you think this is a jovial prank? Were these thugs casing potential future burglary sites? How about intimidating folks to the point where the owners will give you money or other valuables to please leave? Or, they are looking for a confrontation, captured on video, where they can later sue?

  2. Homeowners might want to keep a “burner” gun at home to toss at the feet of the thug you kill in your home if you live in a state without “stand your ground” or castle doctrine laws.

  3. I don’t leave my doors unlocked even when I’m home and I live in a relatively safe area. I have a sign that says, “I wouldn’t if I were you…” in a window below one of my range targets with a magazine load of holes in the bullseye. I put this in the window most likely to be targeted.

  4. Our doors are locked all the time even we are outside working. We learned that lesson at our old house. I was just out of the shower and heard an unknown man calling out from the kitchen. He said he thought it was his friend’s house. At least he was holding 2 Easter baskets so seemed some what benign. I read my husband the riot act for leaving the house with the door unlocked. These days any intruder will be met with Sig, Glock,S&W or Mossberg.

  5. The door was wide open. In most states, including Texas, I believe what they did is legal. In Cali if your door is not locked and they walk in there’s no crime. However, if the doors locked and they gain access you can empty your mag.

  6. 230 grain LRN at plus minus 1000 FPS times 7 = 1 empty model 1911 and 1 well ventilated dindu ‘prankster’. Clean cut white boy did that I’d slap the shit out of him and tell him to learn some manners, scummy looking whitey, same as dindu.

  7. Your ass should check the individual penal codes. I can carry legally in a bunch of states. There’s apps that let you check out each states penal codes. They actually don’t vary that much from state to state. If some one enters your home through an open door and you shoot them you’re probably going to jail.

  8. Those youths are looking for trouble and might not be so lucky next time.
    Who’s to say they are not casing the place and making note of all the fine things to steal at some other time, like 3:00 a.m.?

  9. Were talking about two different things. Is it trespassing? Probably. Can you shoot them, like half the people here think they can. Well you can, but you’re going to jail. Try penal code 198.5. By the way it applies to Hotel Rooms, and Motor Homes and Travel Trailers too.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine AT 5:18 PM
    Homeowners might want to keep a “burner” gun at home to toss at the feet of the thug you kill in your home if you live in a state without “stand your ground” or castle doctrine laws.

    That’s what I keep all those broken “Sharp” tools for, cause I’m in fear of my life…

  11. “Were talking about two different things.”

    No, we are talking about the same thing.

    You said ,” I believe what they did is legal. In Cali if your door is not locked and they walk in there’s no crime.”

    There clearly is a crime, trespassing.

  12. It’s pretty easy to get in a shit load of trouble defending your self and protecting your property even though you’re convinced you are in the right. It’s a real good idea to check out the appropriate penals codes that dictate when and where you can defend yourself with out ending up in the pokey. Taking a class from a local trainer is even a better idea.

  13. The real lesson here is that certain blacks are getting the impression that they can do whatever they want to Whitey without facing consequences.
    I bet you won’t see them trying that shit in the hood.

    Also, if you want your race to be hated & considered primitive, keep this shit up.

  14. Actually. I will correct myself.


    otherwise suffer the consequences and remain silent. We can’t help you morons. Leave us alone.

  15. ^^^^^^ Absolutely.

    California is one of those “iffy” states, not a “stand your ground” state and not a “duty to retreat” state.

    And even if you do everything right, an overzealous DA can still make your life miserable, just ask Mark and Patricia McCloskey.

  16. @PHenry

    Do you live in one of those “duty to retreat” states;

    New Jersey
    New York
    North Dakota
    Rhode Island

    If so then you have far worse than we Californians do re: The legal use of deadly force.

  17. Nope. I live in Virginia. Trespass on my property. If I feel you have bad intentions you’ll get a load that I don’t wish on anybody but will not shy away from using

  18. There are some people that should NEVER have been let out of chains in the first place, simply because they refuse to accept American social standards which means; they don’t give-a-fuck about basic laws.

  19. British accents point to a lack of firearms, and illegal to defend yourself.
    I wouldn’t recommend trying that prank on this side of the pond, we tend to be a little touchier about unwelcome visits. My front door isn’t for my protection, it is to define the limits of the red danger zone, and show where we go from a loud voice and a bad attitude to a loud voice and my pistol.
    If this is how empty your life is, you need to get a hobby, or a jobby, because this isn’t a good career arc.

  20. That duty to retreat won’t stand in Maine.
    If they’re in your home you have the right to defend yourself.
    All you have to do is say you felt your life was in danger.
    But don’t tell the cops. Tell your lawyer. Say nothing to the cops.

  21. I know of a few instances where an intruder with ill-intent entered the home through the open garage and then through the unlocked interior door into the house. My carry gun is always in my immediate space when I am inside the house. Lately, it’s on my person if I step outside for any reason, or when I am sitting out back enjoying my nightly cigar.

    If you have older children who don’t live at home but can otherwise stop over any time, it’s a good idea to have them text you prior to let you know they are coming by the house. My oldest son came over once, early in the morning, unannounced, and was at the door working the key. I thought someone was breaking in. Yes, I had the mossy in hand and it scared the shit out of me.

  22. If you do shoot a thug in your home, don’t attempt CPR.
    Let the motherfucker bleed out and die before you even think about calling the cops.
    Make certain his “weapon” was a threat to you & yours…

  23. ^^^^^^

    I just leave it on. Mainly because my adult children occasionally stop by with friends. My youngest had a new girl friend walk up and pick up a 1911 one time. “Is this thing loaded?” The hammer was down. I calmly walked over and had her hand it to me. After I told her she had to get her finger OFF the trigger. We took her shooting the following week end. She now owns a carries a G19.
    I’m more comfortable with a gun on then off.

  24. In Alabama one would be lucky to get away with a good ass whooping and a few broken bones. Such behavior would most likely result in a slow ride to the morgue and 99% of the Sheriffs here wouldn’t think a thing about it.. Brought to mind an old Cadillac commercial, “Don’t let your first ride in a Cadillac be your last”..

  25. My last point on California.

    My dad saw the handwriting on the wall back in 1969 and got his family out of LA. What was that, 54 years ago? Charles Manson murder escapades, watt’s riots part deux. RFK assassination.

    Dad made bad moves. But in this case he was absolutely right.

  26. England. No self-defense allowed. This is just terrorization without violence. Cannot be prosecuted as trespass without severe reprisal. Sends message that white people have no rights to privacy or security of property. More to come.

    Prove me wrong.

  27. @ Conservative Cowgirl
    I have a sign that says, “I wouldn’t if I were you…” in a window below one of my range targets with a magazine load of holes in the bullseye.

    While I appreciate the sentiment, I would not recommend this especially, if you live in a blue state or a district with a Soros DA. Such a display could be twisted by a malicious prosecutor into a sign of intent to shoot and or kill in the event you are forced to kill a didndu.

  28. PHenry

    In VA you can’t shoot trespassers, hell you can’t even shoot them if they come in your yard and steal your stuff. Old law that lives are more sacred than property. Dates back to early times and nothing has been done about it.

    However, shooting someone breaching your door (not through the door) is self-defense. Get inside thugs, and all bets are off especially in rural areas where ther are only Constitutional officers.

  29. My county DA’s mother lives right around the corner from me. He’d think I was crazy if I didn’t shoot those goofy bastards. I won’t be disappointing him.

  30. “Duty to retreat?”
    That’s insane – even a fucking rat will fight when cornered.
    And not just insane, but antithetical to any sense of what it means to be human.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  31. In the shit hole states of New York, California and other demonrat controlled states strangers can legally enter your home and if they are unarmed and you hurt them YOU will go to prison.

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