Is this the woman in someone’s life? I feel for them… – IOTW Report

Is this the woman in someone’s life? I feel for them…

ht/ jd hasty

50 Comments on Is this the woman in someone’s life? I feel for them…

  1. I’m curious when did people start thinking we live in a democracy? I was raised in a democrat family, yet it was common knowledge and was always said we live in a Republic. Now we even have Republicans who say democracy.

  2. We’re losing our democracy? GOOD!
    I WANT to lose our democracy.
    I want to regain our republic, as the Founding Fathers originally set up.

  3. …guys, this is another reminder, never stick your dick in cra…

    …oh, who am I kidding. Young men are stupid when they think they can get some. That’s where Democrats come from, well there, and Somolia.

    …and I bet that somewhere, somehow, after she broke her phone she had angry cowgirl position sex with a vegan Antifa beta and maybe broke his weak hips in the process by furiously drumming her massive ass onto his frightened little joint in a vain attempt to get any pleasure out of something so small and flaccid which only made her MORE bitter and angry, but because he came defensively in a feeble attempt to get her to lose interest in her dominatee, the seed of future destruction was already sown by then…

  4. …the end product of 12 years of public school indoctrination, 4 years of public college indoctrination, and steady diet of hate and self-loathing served up her whole life by every major media outlet comes to full flower here, and what a toxic weed it’s proven to be indeed…

  5. We’ve all heard about gender fluidity until we’re sick of it. Is there such a thing as “Reality Fluidity” because she’s def made the jump at the astounding rate of ludicrous speed.

  6. I didn’t think anyone could out do raging Karen, but that bitch did. Makes ya wanna fill out 3 ballots and vote for Trump. 1 for me, 1 for Trump and 1 for the bitch. That’s how I roll.

  7. Tony R
    OCTOBER 17, 2020 AT 10:48 AM

    “SNS: That was a little TOO specific. Insider knowledge? 🙂”

    …I’ve seen…things…no human being should ever see…I was young once, too…maybe a person tries to be nice and it all goes so very, very wron…I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!

  8. She seems nice.
    The girl laughing at her seemed to enrage her … somewhat.

    Trying to reason with this … uhh … person … would be a complete waste of time. This comes from drinking Bleach straight out of the bottle – she should probably mix it with a jigger of Ammonia – or Turpentine.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The manifestation of someone who has been rejected in almost all aspects of her life. Sad.

    p.s. the bleach, excessive tats and enhanced tits not withstanding, the MAGA chick was hot!

    p.p.s don’t get me wrong, I love her reaction to the rage woman

  10. Nice. The only thing happening in Texas is the dems want to put ballot drop boxes on every corner and Abbott and our AG want them limited and secured and the fight swings back and forth in the courts. Speaking of Texas, just saw a bumper sticker today – Cuomo 2024. A dem that gave up already on Biden. LOL

  11. C,mon Hippiecritic, she’s not “covered” in tattoos. She has the totally legit “We The People” tat on her forearm…. and a full sleeve on the other arm.

    She’s hott.

    Also, you failed to notice her shaved stripe eyebrow and chunky mans watch.

    I would totally hang out with her and then get her to babysit my kids.

  12. How can you people obsess over that dump truck of a woman when there’s a totally hott convertible next to her?

    She even has the 3% tat on the back of her hand.

    So hotttttt


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