Is Trump the Greatest Squirrel Maker of All-Time? – IOTW Report

Is Trump the Greatest Squirrel Maker of All-Time?

Regarding the Mika Tweet-

Canada Free Press-

In my posts about it I said I like the fact that Trump tweets, but this one may have skirted a little too close to the edge.  Perhaps, I have been saying, he should be more diplomatic with his Tweets.

Then, I discovered I was wrong.

The Mika Brzezinski tweet was incredibly brilliant.

The timing was perfect, as planned.

While the Press is talking about Trump’s Tweet:

The travel ban went into effect, two immigration bills were approved by Congress, and other things the Democrats would normally be screaming about are getting done. . . under the radar, because the people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are too busy to notice because they are too occupied with screaming and yelling about Trump’s tweets.

He pulled a basketball move, looking one way, and passing the ball in the opposite direction.

It took Buzz Patterson on Facebook to straighten me out.  Here’s what he posted:


Trump played the media, his enemies, the Democrats, and many of the folks that may not hate him like the liberal left does. . . and they still haven’t noticed.  They are still freaking out about a tweet, while Trump gets things done, and the people watching all of these theatrics by the media will respond by turning off their televisions because they are sick of watching the liberal left biased media cry like a bunch of babies because Trump said something mean on Twitter.

It’s funny.  Trump lives rent-free 24 hours a day in the heads of the liberal media, and it is driving them nuts that they can’t figure out how to bring him down. . . as they wipe the drool from the sides of their mouths.


ht/ nm

32 Comments on Is Trump the Greatest Squirrel Maker of All-Time?

  1. Trump, you magnificent bastard!

    These people are being played by a master tactician. By the time they realize they’ve been had he’s on to 20 new things and their story is no longer relevant. Just ask Meghan Kelly. Hahaha.

  2. He told us he wasn’t going to tell us everything he was doing. Contrary to what the media thinks, we don’t need to know everything.

    I like it that he works like a duck on water — calm above but paddling furiously beneath. Before you know it, BOOM, something great has been done for America.

    Go Trump.

  3. You really think that’s what is behind the tweets?
    In a way, the tweets look like he is ruining his otherwise good week.
    But he is getting some big things done. Under the radar.
    Tough call on whether the tweets are a smart thing.
    Seems he could give the enemy a bit less ammunition.

  4. The radical, bomb-throwing, left wing, pipeline-protesting environmentalists can go home to mommy and daddy’s house and turn off their own gas and electricity if they really need to make a statement! Turn off yer own pipeline Jackass! Just make sure it’s a 95 degree day in the summer or 10 degrees in winter… and don’t be home when dad finds out!


    (Trump punches back)

    Oh that poor defenseless little woman! Let’s rush to her aid and shield her from counter-punches.


  6. Mika threw punches at Melania in an interview insinuating she was just hanging on to the marriage for her son.
    I don’t think the two immigrationl bills passed the senate just the house.

  7. “Seems he could give the enemy a bit less ammunition.”

    Since they pull lies out of their ass, I don’t see the harm in truthful tweeting.It’s not like they are going to stop if he quits tweeting. I LIKE how they are are spinning their heads and vomiting pea soup.

  8. Trumps been where no politician or critic has ever been. Many many semi hostile business dealings. He understands the best way to defeat your opponent is push him off balance. If anybody thinks the information ministry of the Democrat party is not currently off balance you are mistaken.

  9. It would be the biggest mistake he could make if he was to stop tweeting. And he knows it. You know the media is trying to figure out a way to stop him, but they don’t have a clue.

  10. To have been a Fly on Mika’s wall when she saw the Tweet !
    I Picture a Coference call with Her Top 10 Female Lib NewsGirlfreinds !
    The Tweet Was a Masterpiece of Cunning !
    What’s next Mr. President ? They’re using Crazy against Him, that’s what Women Never Want to Be Called…Think it Worked ?

  11. And now Mika’s Instagram page has been discovered. Some pictures of her and her daughters wearing MAGA hats. Also video of her stroking Trumps hair on an appearance on Morning Blow and totally flirting with him. Trump was a cool MoFo until he became a CONSERVATIVE President.


    Best to Worst Case Scenario for S.J.W.s:
    1. Vocal support.
    2. Non-vocal support.
    3. Indifference.
    4. Non-vocal opposition.
    5. Vocal opposition.

    Trump is #6. Foaming-at-the-mouth vocal opposition that can’t be shamed, persuaded or bullied into silence.


  13. I have said it before, gonna say it again:
    Pres Trump is beating Mr. Spock at 3D chess, the media is losing checkers to a third grader.
    I love his tweets, long may they send Progs into apoplectic fits.

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