Is Twitter Censoring President Trump’s Account ? – IOTW Report

Is Twitter Censoring President Trump’s Account ?

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ht/ jerry manderin

14 Comments on Is Twitter Censoring President Trump’s Account ?

  1. …the closer we get to the elections, the more they will manipulate. They may actually change CONTENT, even if it starts a WAR…maybe ESPECIALLY if it starts a war…

    …strap in, you ain’t seen NOTHING yet…

  2. I truly believe PRESIDENT Trump is gonna break BIG DICK TECH up after 2020.

    Because these leftist pussies are only HELPING him get re-elected! And he is THE BEST political counter puncher.

  3. With or without Twatter, Trump has a bigger megaphone than all of these ankle biters. If, for instance, President Trump says something like, “Nancy Pelosi and the democrats have drawn up fake Articles of Impeachment they won’t advance to the Senate, so this can ne adjudicated, and Twitter has blocked a sitting President, is it any wonder why people are abandoning the democrat party and canceling their Twitter accounts? They are extreme leftists that hate me. Hate you. And I won’t be surprised if you, the people, reject them all.”
    It would bring the house down.

    2020 is going to be an epic battle for America. Gird thy loins.
    It starts in Virginia. Again. Jan 20. State Capitol.

  4. @Anonymous December 28, 2019 at 1:13 pm

    > “It’s a private company and they can do what they want.” Said 75% of iotw posters in the past.

    “It’s another government created government bureaucracy skimming money to the government.” Said the other 24%.
    (The 1% don’t count. They don’t have to. They’ve got “people” for that.)

  5. @ PHenry,
    I will see you there. I will be bringing as many as I can touch. Those from out-of-state are welcome too! Tangoor should join us if not for anything but I enjoyed “its” company.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  6. @crackerbaby. Hope to see you on the Capitol steps. Thinking about signs to develop.

    It has generally been leftist democrats that impose martial law, imprison Japanese, stand in front of school house doors preventing blacks from going to school, that created the KKK. Jim Crow? Those were all leftists.

    Don’t worry about President Trump. He’s inclusive.
    Worry about your socialist party. They are actually quite dangerous.


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